Helena Township Board Meeting
June 9, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Penny Wagner and pledge of allegiance was said. Present: Wagner, Peterson, Gurr, and Teague and Rice. Motion to approve agenda by Gurr with support by Teague, motion carried. Six people in audience.
Conflict of Interest: None
Public Comment: Jennifer Swan inquired about checking on the noise level at car wash and the light penetration across property line at car wash. Board to refer this to zoning administrator Guy Molby.
Approval of minutes: Gurr made motion to amend May 12th‘s Township Board Meeting’s minutes with the removal of “2012 budget to be discussed and voted on at the June 9th township board meeting.” with support from Teague to approve the amended minutes and motion passed. Wagner made motion to approve the minutes from the Special Meeting held 05/19/2011 to discuss and approve the language of the Helena Township Library lease and the proposed Alden District Library with support by Teague and motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Library beginning balance as of May 1, 2011 $86,054.89
Receipts $7,850.94
Disbursements $9685.58
Bank balance as of 04/30/2011 $84,220.25
Two CD’s; $48,258.93 and $15,718.44
As of 05/31/2011, 2011 Total Assets $148,197.62
Total 2010 Millage $102,370.00
Township beginning balance as May 1, 2011 $353,662.34
Receipts $6,674.72
General Fund Disbursements $18,211.75
Cemetery & Bldg. $ 8,538.63
Total Disbursements $26,750.38
TOTAL BANK BALANCE as of May 31, 2011 $333,586.68
Motion to approve treasurer’s report with correction by Wagner, support by Gurr, motion carried.
Presentation of bills: Township: May 1-31, 2011: $15,549.53 and June 1-9, 2011: $8,047.61
Speakers: None
Communications: Sheriff’s report reviewed. Mike Crawford has requested a copy of the resolution of when the Torch Lake Fire Department became a district fire department. Crawford also notified board member Rice that the work has been completed at the Hall property adjacent to the Elder Road/road end public access and wanted clarification as to whether the township wanted any trees planted along the new fence. The township board agreed that it was not necessary to plant any trees along this new fence. Rice to inform Crawford.
Committee reports: Zoning administrator. Molby gave report. Questions from audience member Jennifer Swan were referred to Molby who will contact car wash owners.
Planning Commission: Gurr reported that the Planning Commission reviewed zoning ordinance changes language provided by Bzdok and returned to Bzdok for final draft. The Planning Commission hopes to schedule a public hearing in early August for the zoning ordinance changes.
Ambulance authority: Rick Teague reported that the open house was held Saturday June 4th and the final building inspection for occupancy is
Parks & Recreation: The Parks & Recreation committee has started up with the following names submitted for approval: Ruth Smith, Steve Dell, Carolyn Nowfel, David Peterson, Mike Crawford, Casey McDowell, Jerry Alpers with Casey McDowell as chairperson. Wagner made the motion to approve the seven names with support by Gurr and motion passed. The first official meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 17th at 4:00 PM in the Helena Township meeting room.
Old business: A policy/procedures for the public inspection and copying of public records (FOIA request) in lieu of customary business hours was presented to the board. Gurr made the motion to adopt this policy/procedure with support by Teague. Roll call vote was four ayes from Teague, Gurr, Wagner, and Peterson and one absent; Rice. Resolution 5122011 was adopted.
New Business: Wagner proposed that a special meeting be held on Thursday, May 19th to discuss the district library proposal. Board agreed to have the special meeting. The new docks and landscaping at the Alden safe harbor are expected to be finished by May 27th in time to open for Memorial Day weekend. The resealing and painting of the parking spaces of the Community Center parking lot is scheduled to start Saturday, May 21st at 1:00 PM. The installation of the new vestibule with ADA compliant powered doors is scheduled for Monday, May 23rd.
Announcements: None
Additional Public Comment: Guy Molby informed the board that the firecracker ordinance was approved by the state and would affect townships and that there will be a need to incorporate this ordinance into the township’s zoning ordinance. Mike Robinson suggested that a key box be located at the front (North) entrance to the community center so that in the event of a fire/emergency that the fire department would have immediate access to the building. There will be more information to follow from the fire department.
Motion to pay bills by Wagner, support Teague, and motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:42 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Helena Township Clerk
David G. Peterson Jr.
David G. Peterson Jr.