Helena Township Board Minutes – September 8, 2016

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Helena Township Board Meeting


Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Rick Teague. Present: Catherine Rice, Rick Teague, Bonnie Robbins, David Peterson and Butch Bartz. Motion to approve agenda by Bartz supported by Robbins.

Conflict of Interest: None.

Public Comment: Jack Findlay representing the Alden Volunteers requested that they would like to replace the Torch Lake Sign at the entrance to the safe harbor and will pay for the new sign and the installation. Township board responded by positive consensus.

Approval of Minutes: Motion by Robbins, supported by Bartz and motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Beginning balance: $473,567.66

                                     Receipts:                $14,880.13

                                     Disbursed               $32,418.98

                                     Ending Balance       $456,028.82

Motion to approve Treasurer’s report by Teague, supported by Robbins and motion carried.

Presentation of Bills: August 1-31: $21,874.28; and September 1-8th; $923.15

Speakers: Leslie Meyers reviewed hazard mitigation plan, damage assessment training, and grants for mitigation strategies. Teague made the motion to accept the Antrim County Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan with support by Rice. Roll call vote; Rice – yes, Peterson – yes, Teague – yes, Robbins – yes, and Bartz- yes and motion carried.

Communications: Received and reviewed letter from the Friends of the Library; Cathy Rice and David Peterson will meet with FOTL to review their requests concerning the community center.

Zoning: August report given by Guy Molby.

Planning Commission: Robbins reported that Planning Commission is scheduling a public hearing for September 8th at 6:00 PM. Future ZBA meeting minutes to be approved

Ambulance Authority: No update.

Parks & Rec: Ruth Smith reported that tennis court resurfacing and ADA sidewalk is completed. Jim Moore from Disability network inspected new sidewalk at Tennis Court Park and sent letter to DNR that it was accessible as a ramp although the slope of the new sidewalk was not ADA compliant.

Roads – no update

Old Business: Street light load testing discussed. The cost of the upgrades of the street light poles with plant hangers is $9,566.60. Alden Volunteers and DABA are being asked for a donation to cover the additional costs.

New Business: None

Announcements: None

Additional Public Comment: Discussion about developing a capital expenses/improvement plan for Helena Township with input from DABA and the Alden Volunteers.

Motion to pay bills: Teague made the motion to pay the bills; supported by Robbins and motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM.   Helena Township Clerk; David G. Peterson Jr.