Helena Township Board Meeting – 03/09/2017
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Rick Teague. Present: Catherine Rice, Rick Teague, Bonnie Robbins and David Peterson. Absent; Butch Bartz. Motion to approve agenda by Robbins; supported by Rice and motion carried.
Approval of Minutes: Motion by Robbins, supported by Rice and motion carried.
Conflict of Interest: None
Public Comment: Sherriff Dan Bean presented board with a handout with dates for SHARPS DISPOSAL DAYS. Reviewed February’s Sherriff’s report. Mooring Reserved for Antrim Co. Marine Control sign to be installed this spring at Alden Safe harbor. Township to have printed four books of citations for no overnight mooring tickets at the Alden Safe Harbor. Renewal millage for 911on the ballot for the May 2nd election.
Treasurer’s Report: Beginning balance Feb.1, 2017: $448,201.46
Receipts: $121,106.68
Disbursed: $20,816.07
Ending Balance $548,492.07 as of 02/28/2017
Motion to approve Treasurer’s report by Teague, supported by Robbins and motion carried.
Treasurer reported that she and Bob Logee (assessor) agreed on option 1 for county services in the amount of $1.21 per parcel. Teague made the motion to accept the letter of agreement for option 1 for the treasurer and assessor at $1.21 per parcel with support by Robbins and the motion carried.
Presentation of Bills: February 1-28th: $9,972.99 and March 1-9th; $2,151.39.
Speakers: None.
Zoning: Guy Molby gave report.
Planning Commission: Robbins reported the Planning Commission did not meet in March. The ZBA met and approved a variance request for the construction of a garage on Green Street.
Ambulance Authority: No update.
Parks & Rec: Ruth Smith reviewed report given to the board. Parks & Rec discussed the issue of allowing some paper roads to be vacated and is in agreement that there would not be any benefit for the township to vacate a paper road. A letter will be sent to the township resident ‘s inquiry.
Rice made the motion to support Parks & Rec’s request for a survey for the 5 year plan not to exceed $1100.00 with support by Robbins and the motion carried.
Peterson made the motion to accept the contract with Matts Underground Utility Construction to replace a section of sidewalk at the Tennis Court Park that does not meet ADA slope requirements for $3,410.00 with support by Teague and the motion carried.
Roads: No update.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Announcements: None
Motion to pay bills: Teague made the motion to pay the bills; supported by Robbins and motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:51 PM. Helena Township Clerk; David G. Peterson Jr.