Parks & Rec Agenda 1-9-2017

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Parks and Recreation Committee Agenda for 1/09/2017

Meeting time is 7:00 – 9:00 pm on the first Monday of the month. (Changed to 2nd Monday this mtg. only)

  • Community Input
  • Minutes from 10/03/2016 meeting (Ruth).
  • Information from monthly Helena Twp. Mtg. (Ruth/Dave).



  • Recreational Passport Grant from DNR: Reimbursement;   cracks; walkway.(Steve)
  • Erosion Abatement Project at Ball Park. ( Brad)
  • Requests for memorial issues (Steve/Ruth). Also review Twp opinion on tax deductibility of donations (Ruth).
  • Move rocks to the safe harbor to improve it. Get estimate on cost to complete (Ruth, Mike, Brad)


    1. Brad will talk to DNR staff about evaluating the erosion situation.
  • Volunteer hold-harmless form. (Ruth)
  • GTR Land Conservancy at Coy Mtn. (update Brad)
  • Steve to get Jim Moore from Disability Network to walk Ball Park for accessibility assessment. (Steve)


NEW BUSINESS                                                                                       

  1. Revision of our five-year-plan. Committee decided to review each park and revise that park’s plan together at our monthly committee meeting. Review accommodation for handicap parking when reviewing each park. Which park to discuss next?
  2. Coy Mountain forest management: We were asked by the Helena Township Board to come up with a forest management plan for Coy Mountain (See the March meeting minutes for specifics). Our current plan involves the following activities:
  3. Come up with a plan for forest management and an improved trail system. This might involve bringing in an   ecologist, asking Mike Meriwether to speak to us, or both.
  4. If the committee reworks the trail system before the overall forest management plan is completed, we may present it to the HT Board separately.
  5. After our Forest Management Plan for Coy Mtn. is completed, it will be taken to HT Board for review and action. (NOV)
  6. Capitol Improvement Plan: For each park, inventory all items in the park. Create an estimate for the usefull life of each item and establish a schedule for replacing each item. (NOV)
  7. Proposal from Jack Findley of Alden Volunteers for P&R Committee to prioritize top 3 projects we would like to get done and he will use AV resources to help obtain funding.
  8. Get copy of HT Park surveys that have been completed for the P&R Resource Book? (Ruth) (JAN)
  9. Discuss 80 acres that township owns on McPherson Rd. to decide what recreational uses it might provide. (JAN)
  10. Annual review of the Parks and Recreation Committee website (SEPT OF EACH YEAR) (Steve/Ruth).Do progress report.(JAN)


  • Handicap parking in Helena Township (Discussion). (TO BE DISCUSSED WHEN WE REVIEW EACH PARK)        
  • New sign for Coy Mountain (Ken, Brad). (FEB)
  • Discuss and decide what Twp roads would be the best for a bicycle route. Look at entire county for continuity. (See Master Plan). (APRIL)