Planning Commission Minutes February 4, 2021

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Minutes of Helena Township Planning Commission

February 4, 2021

Meeting called to order by Gurr at 3:03 P.M.

Opened with Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call:

            Present:            Jim Gurr                        Laura Westerman          

                                    Joe Bassil                   Bonnie Robbins                       

                                    Gordy Schafer              Sue Moglovkin

                                    Mike Robinson

                Absent:             None                           

Township officials present: Bob Logee

Approval of Agenda:   Motion: Bassil, 2nd Moglovkin. Carried (7,0)

Statement of Conflict of Interest:          None

Approval of Minutes: As submitted. Motion: Schafer, 2nd Moglovkin. Carried (7,0)

Public Comment:         Schafer shared discussion with home business owner concerning storage at the site. Owner agreed to move storage to less visible area.

Communications:         None

New Business:             December 2020: LU 4, FC 6, AC 0, PC 7, ZV 0

                                    January 2021:    LU 1, FC 3, AC 0, PC 4, ZV 0

            Meeting closed for Public Hearing: 3:12 P.M.

                                    Logee discussed project in the Environmental District and reason for public hearing. He has walked the site and believes the project can proceed to the next permitting step and warrants approval. He mailed notice to 7 surrounding property owners and received 3 back as undeliverable. The other 4 responded, 3 in favor or no preference, 1 opposed. PC members discussed aspects of the site. Based on the findings of fact from Section 6.03.01 Robbins made the motion that the planning commission send this application request to the Board of Trustees at their next meeting and recommend approval. Supported by Schafer. Roll Call vote with all voting Yes. Robbins will present this at the February 11, 2021 meeting of the Board of Trustees.

            Public Hearing closed and regular meeting resumed: 3:30 P.M.

Schafer discussed shoreline changes in the township and would like to have more work done on addressing current and future language about use and development in the shoreline greenbelt protection buffer.  

Old Business:              Discussion of zoning points tabled.

Public Comment:         None   

Adjourn: 3:38 P.M. Motion Robbins, 2nd  Schafer. Carried

Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Robbins



Helena Township Planning Commission Recording Secretary