Helena Township Board Meeting June 10th, 2021
Meeting called to order at 7:02 PM. Members present were Butch Peeples, David Peterson, Cathy Rice, Bonnie Robbins and Butch Bartz. Motion by Robbins to approve the agenda and supported by Bartz and approved. Motion by Bartz to approve the May’s meeting minutes and supported by Robbins and approved.
Conflict of Interest: None
Public Comment: Jim Campbell expressed concerns about maintenance issues at Depot, recycling, and downtown Alden. Sheriff Dan bean gave report for May, 2021 with comparison
Treasurer’s Report: beginning balance May 1st, 2021 is $631,585.52
Total receipts: $1,807.11 and total disbursements: $31,974.29
Ending balance as of 05/31/2021 is $601,418.34
Motion to approve the treasurer’s report by Robbins and supported by Bartz and approved. Presentation of Bills: May 1-31: $22,273.28, June 1-10th; $8,244.80
Speakers: None
Zoning: Logee’s report reviewed. Robbins made the motion to allow food truck to be parked at tennis court park during August car show and seconded by Bartz and motion carried.
Planning Commission: Future meeting to review and discuss language for food trucks and vendors.
Parks & Rec: Steve Dell and Ruth Smith reviewed toddler toy playground equipment project at the tennis court park. Motion by Robbins to approve toddler toy playground equipment at tennis court park not to exceed $12,000.00 with support by Bartz and motion carried.
Roads: Rice made the motion to accept contract from Antrim County Road Commission to repair 1,980 feet of Green Street with support by Robbins and motion carried.
Old Business: Peterson reviewed seal coat bid for community center parking lot. Peterson made the motion to accept seal coat bid of $4,472.20 from Cedar valley Services with support by Robbins and motion carried.
New Business: Budget public hearing to be held June 23rd at 10:00 AM at government office.
Spring cleanup at Depot with American Waste from 8:00 Am to noon.
Robbins, Rice, and Bartz to investigate no parking of boat trailers in downtown Alden business areas.
Robbins and Rice to investigate rental fees for use of Ball Park and the Depot Park.
Announcements: Spring cleanup to be held at Depot parking lot June 19th.
Mask requirement for community center may be changed July 1st by the state of Michigan.
Additional Public Comment: Jim Gurr commented.
Rice made the motion to pay the bills and supported by Robbins and approved.
Adjournment by call of the chair at 9:19 PM.
Prepared by Helena Township Clerk: David Peterson