Draft Helena Township Board Meeting
May 9, 2024
Meeting called to order at 7 pm with Pledge of Allegiance. Members present : Butch Peeples, Catherine Rice, Bonnie Robbins and Butch Bartz. Absent: Dave Peterson.
Motion to approve agenda by Robbins, supported by Bartz. Carried.
Public Comment: Peeples announced the Memorial Day parade May 31 at 1 pm. No political entries, except for the Sheriff’s department who will be leading the parade. Short program at the Depot and Cemetery following the parade. Docks will be going in at the harbor in the morning. Water is on at the cemetery.
Carla Bart stated she is running for County Commissioner. Cathy Odom is running for County Clerk.
Amy Tate gave a presentation for COA on programs offered and will make available to the public.
Katie Waggoner reported the Methodist church will be celebrating its 150th Anniversary and will be having vow renewals for anyone married in the church past and present. There will be a community potluck on August 24th at the Community Center, and a church service of celebration on August 24th at 9 am.
Community project at what was Mrs. Smith’s Posie Patch is underway with the foundation being laid for the new Village square. 350 Memorial bricks have been sold so far and they are still available on their website. There is some rotting on the lighthouse at the docks that is being addressed.
Minutes: Motion to approve April minutes by Robbins supported by Bartz. Carried.
Presentation of Bills: April bills: $196,493.30. May 1-9 $12,938.42.
Treasurer’s Report: Beginning balance April 1 $877,651.78, Receipts $124,302.43, Disbursements $208,243.36. Bank balance as of April 30 $793,710.85.
Committee Reports:
Fire chief gave stat reports for April for runs and training. Report given to board members.
Sheriff gave overview of runs in Helena Township with written report.
They have 4 Academy persons for possible officers and have 4 Marine patrol officers for the summer.
County Commissioner gave updates on the County building remodel. Tentative June 20th for an open house. Written update given. FEMA program for flood insurance is being discussed.
Leslie Meyers, Drain Commissioner has received a $450,000 grant for the Dam.
TAA gave a report of runs within the township, and stated they are offering a $35 contract with first responders ($85 for public), that if transport is needed for the individual there would be no out of pocket cost.
Zoning: Report given for permits and noted a Land Division application was also approved.
Parks & Rec: Request for Story Walk at Coy Mt from April through October. Motion by Rice supported by Robbins. Approved.
Planning Commission: By-law changes were approved with motion by Rice, supported by Bartz. Members Gordie Shaffer and Sue Moglovkin were extended as members until 2026 and Joe Bassil until 2025. Renewable energy draft will go to the County for approval and then to the Township Board for final approval. STR has been put on hold and will leave language in Zoning as is because of the State taking control in the next year with regulations regarding STR.
Alternates are need for the ZBA, and Recording Secretary for Pl/Zng.
Roads: SE Torch Lake Drive is complete with 7 other roads to be scheduled as contractors are available.
Old Business: New blinds have been installed throughout the community center , foyer is nearly complete except for painting and hanging new enclosed bulletin boards. Kitchen is complete but pilots need to be checked as they keep going out. Ceiling fan has been installed in the gym. New bathroom fixtures were approved up to $8000 and new side doors for the building up to $10,000. New sidewalk is complete out front.
Public Comment:
Mike Robinson stated he was running for Trustee. Brigette Dewald is running for Treasurer of the township. Jim Shilling is running for Trustee.
Gary Bart stated there is a petition being circulated to have the Renewable Energy law rescinded.
Jim Gurr thanked the board for their continued care and service of the community and thanked all the attendees for their support.
Paul Sak asked if ordinance is not enforced do we have an ordinance?
Motion to pay bills by Robbins, supported by Bartz. Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.
Prepared by Catherine Rice, Treasurer