Helena Township Board Meeting 06/09/2016
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Rick Teague. Present: Catherine Rice, Rick Teague, Bonnie Robbins, David Peterson and Butch Bartz. Motion to approve agenda with additions under new business by Bartz supported by Robbins.
Conflict of Interest: None.
Public Comment: Ruth Smith announced the garlic mustard pull at Coy Mtn. is scheduled for 10:00 AM until noon Tuesday, June 14th. Michele MacMaster and Jessie lane representing the South Torch Lake Fire District spoke about their proposed 2016 budget purchases: a 2016 Chevy Tahoe rescue unit, replacement “JAWS”, SCBA’s, replace floor drains in fire barn, pumper and tanker. The $885,000 for the pumper and tanker to be financed by Spencer Manufacturing over 7 to 15 years. These purchases will bring down their insurance ISO rating from 9B to 8B.
Approval of Minutes: Motion by Robbins, supported by Bartz and motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Beginning balance: $526,005.92
Receipts: $3,937.96
Disbursed: $136,018.72
Balance: $393,926.16
Motion to approve Treasurer’s report by Teague, supported by Robbins and motion carried.
Presentation of Bills: May 1-31: $126,343.67; and June; 1-9th; $7,535.90
Speakers: None
Zoning: May report given by Guy Molby.
Planning Commission: Robbins reported that Planning Commission is working on 9 bullets for changes (uses by right in different districts) to the zoning ordinances. Public hearing on the changes may be scheduled in August. ZBA held their annual organizational meeting to appoint officers.
Ambulance Authority: No update.
Parks & Rec: Ruth Smith presented board with a picture of the bronze sculpture the Juniper Garden Club wants to place at one of the gardens at the Depot Park. Rice made the motion with support by Bartz for permitting the Juniper Garden Club to place this bronze sculpture piece. Motion carried.
Smith recommended that new posts, new nets and more sand be placed at the volleyball courts ($1000.00)at the Depot Park and 10 yards of ADA wood chips ($500.00) for the playground area at the Tennis Court Park.
Teague made the motion to spend $1,500.00 for the volleyball expenditures and the playground woodchips with support by Robbins and the motion carried.
Smith reported that the pickleball lines proposed for the basketball court below the tennis courts be placed on hold because the posts that support the basketball rims are only four feet from the proposed pickelball end lines and pose a safety hazard.
Garlic mustard pull at Coy Mtn. scheduled for 10:00 AM until noon Tuesday, June 14th.
Roads: Contracts signed and deposits made for resurfacing Helena Road from McPherson to the Custer Township line and crack sealing Walling Road in Alden meadows.
Old Business: None
New Business: Cathy Rice presented board with tax collection resolution 6916 for a 1% property tax administrative fee (PTAF) and a 3% penalty fee, in perpetuity, for the collection of summer and winter taxes. Supervisor Teague read the resolution and called for a roll call vote. All five board members voted yes.
Announcements: Township and STLFD budget hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, June 14th at 10:00 AM.
A session on septic tanks to be presented by Tip of the Mitt towards the end of July.
Additional Public Comment: Mike Crawford commented on his salary as a township maintenance employee and the township not protecting the road end public accesses and encroachments that exist at several of the road end public accesses.
Betsy Dole spoke about disturbances at the Lone Tree road end public access and who should be contacted.
Jim Gurr made comments.
Motion to pay bills: Teague made the motion to pay the bills; supported by Rice and motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM.
Helena Township Clerk; David G. Peterson Jr.