Helena Township Board Meeting – 05/10/2018
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Rick Teague. Present: Rick Teague, David Peterson, Bonnie Robbins, and Butch Bartz. Catherine Rice absent. Motion to approve agenda by Robbins w/support by Bartz and motion carried.
Conflict of interest: None
Public Comment: Ruth Smith reported that the defibrillator did not work for the training. Unity was returned to Cardiac Science for repair or replacement. Next training will also include CPR training.
Approval of minutes: Motion by Robbins w/support by Bartz and motion carried.
Treasurer’s report: Beginning balance as of April 1, 2018: $583,539.64
Receipts: $28,523.51 Dispersed: $34,086.35 Ending balance: $577,976.80 as of 04/30/2018
Motion to approve treasurer’s report by Robbins w/support by Teague and motion carried.
Presentation of Bills: April 1st-30th; $23,186.70 and May 1st-10th; $2,613.92
Speakers: Mike Bertum, interim director at Township Ambulance Authority (TAA) shared information about the leadership team, and the administrative & clinical processes dashboard.
Communications: None
Zoning: Guy Molby gave zoning report for April.
Planning Commission: Robbins reported there is training on short term rentals in Traverse City on May 16th, 2018 at a cost of $40.00 per person. Five people expected to go. Reviewing zoning ordinance revisions. Public hearing scheduled for May 17th at 7:00 PM for electronic sign at DeWitt Marine. ZBA meeting in June.
Ambulance Authority: Mike Bertrum presented update.
Parks: Ruth Smith reported the five-year plan was completed and notice made public. August 25th there will be a pickleball tournament in Alden.
Roads: Barts and Gurr have established a priority list for roads in Helena Township – Helena Road from McPherson to Alden and SE Torch Lake Drive from Alden Hwy.; one mile North.
Old Business: None
New Business: Teague reviewed the South Torch Area Association fireworks permit at the ballpark for loading the fireworks onto barges for the July 3rd fireworks. There will be a dumpster (American Waste) for cleanup of boxes and trash at the ballpark. The alternative date is July 9th in the event the July 3rd fireworks are cancelled. Teague made the motion to approve the fireworks permit with support by Robbins and the motion carried.
Announcements: Bartz commented that there is a tree down at the Crystal Springs public access and that the cemetery needed the spring cleanup.
Additional Public Comment: Jim Gurr announced that he is running for the state senate representing the 37th district in the August 7th Republican primary.
Motion to pay bills: Teague made the motion to pay the bills w/support by Robbins and motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:08 PM Helena Township Clerk; David G. Peterson Jr.
David G. Peterson Jr.