Helena Township Board Meeting June 11, 2009 The meeting was called to order at 7pm, by Supervisor Wagner. The pledge of allegiance was said. Present: Rice, Frank, Wagner, Teague, Gurr. Audience: 11. Motion to approve agenda with changes by Gurr, support Rice, all in favor. Public comment: none. Motion to approve minutes of May 14th meeting by Teague, support Gurr, all in favor. Treasurer’s report: Library May beginning balance $ 82,493.16 Receipts 603.12 Disbursements 8,260.78 Ending balance 5-31-09 $ 74,835.50 CD 46,417.12 CD 15,379.41 Total asset availability $ 136,623.03
Helena Township May beginning balance $ 352,987.14 Receipts 7,456.84 Disbursements 37,699.36 May ending balance $ 322,744.62. Motions to approve as presented by Wagner support Frank, all in favor. Presentation of bills: May in addition Township $ 7,299.85 Library 180.02 June Township $ 26,152.71 Library 11,152.05 Speakers: Jay Jacobs, Consumer Energy, motion to approve renewal of contract for Electric Franchise by Gurr, support by Wagner, roll call vote: Rice-yes, Frank-yes, Teague-yes, Gurr-yes, Wagner-yes, motion carried. Peg Comfort, motion by Gurr to approve new conditions of demo project at Valleau Landing, support by Rice, all in favor. Communications: MTA principals of Governance to be signed by board members and displayed in township office. Historical marker location at the Depot, motion by Gurr to approve Historical Society’s choice for placement, support by Wagner, carried. E-mail from B. Bockstahler was read by Rice, concerning annual cleanup, she read letter of response. Sheriff’s report. Committee reports: Zoning report by Molby, Planning Commission by Gurr, Ambulance by Teague. Old business: none. New business: D. Reck from Helena Township Library Board reported their board has voted to hire a bookkeeper. Announcements: MTA conference in Gaylord was attended by 3 elected officials of the Helena Township board, lots of information received. Additional public comment: Lilac bushes are planted across public access, motion by Rice to give 30 day notice for removal, support Teague, carried. Motion to pay bills by Gurr, support Teague, carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm. Respectfully submitted,
V. Ferol Frank, Helena Township Clerk