Parks and Rec Minutes October 7, 2020

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Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 10/07/2020                

Approved 11/04/2020 In attendance: Steve Dell, Jim Gurr, Bonnie Robbins, Ruth Smith, & Laura Westerman. Absent: Jan Loveland & Barry Snyder     Non-members in attendance: No one This meeting was originally scheduled for 7 PM. Because we believed the vice-presidential debate was to start at 7 pm the time of our Parks and Recreation Meeting was changed to 5 PM. We have not heard from anyone to let us know they attempted to attend and could not so we hope we have not hindered anyone wanting to attend the October Meeting. 1. Meeting called to order.


  1. The meeting minutes from 09/02/2020 were approved as presented & will be published on the HT website. 
  2. From HT Sept. Township Board Meeting. No hunting signs have been purchased. Since then Jim Gurr, Bob Logee, & Brice Buntjer installed the signs at Coy Mt. Reserve. The Board will further discuss the use of Safe Harbor for commercial businesses. The Board approved having ARSC apply for a grant for a toddler playground toy. 4. Public Input: None


  1. Soil erosion at the Ball Park. This item will be moved to the November meeting.
  2. Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). This will be further discussed in November. Steve continues to investigate the cost of replacement tables and benches. 

7 Tri-fold brochures to help people know about our parks and community events. Moved to November agenda. 8. ARSC discussed reopening the Helena Township Community Center to Pickleball. This will be further discussed at the Nov. HT Board Meeting. 9. ARSC did submit a grant to Rotary in TC for toddler equipment.



  1. Annual Review of Website. Bonnie is doing a good job with keeping the web site up to date. We suggest pictures on the web site of the current signage at Coy Mt. Steve will work on getting a picture to Bonnie for publication on the website.


  1. Jim Gurr to give a report on Sustainable Built Environment Initiative Seeking Projects. This item was moved to the Future Agenda Items list to be revisited in April 2021. 12. Helena Township Parks Inventory request from Margie Boyd. Bonnie and Ruth reviewed the information sent by Margie and will report back to her on changes needed to update the Helena Township portion of the inventory.
  2. Concrete work at Depot Park and a Spring Meeting pulling people together on thinking about what needs to be done at the Depot. Move to November agenda.
  3. Parking issues at Safe Harbor. The committee likes the idea of a designated spot for temporary parking for those needing to use the accessible dock. Bonnie will be including the idea of signage for this in other projects to be done at Safe Harbor. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Jim Gurr has agreed to prepare a report for the HT Board on the Status of the Coy Mountain Reserve. This is a requirement outlined in the Coy Mountain Forestry Management Policy. He will share the report with P&R members at the November P&R Meeting and present it to the HT Board at their November Meeting.

Items discussed but not on the agenda:

Bonnie noticed a Sustainable Built Environment initiative that we want to look into to see if there is a chance that we might be able to use that platform/ initiative when working on our plan for the Ball Park.

The next monthly meeting is scheduled for: Wednesday, November 4th, 2020 at 7pm in the Community Bldg.

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith 10/15/2020