Parks and Recreation Minutes – September 16, 2014


  Minutes of the Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting – Alden Community Center

 Meeting date: September 16, 2014                                                                                         Approved 10-21-2014

In attendance: Steve Dell, Ken Masck, Carolyn Nowfel, , & Ruth Smith. Absent: Mike Crawford, Jim Gurr, Jan Loveland, & Dave Peterson.

1. Community Input: Harvey Bartel & Fletcher Carter, representatives of DABA were present. See below under New Business. Also, a resident mentioned to a P&R member that the buoys really helped control boat traffic this summer at Depot and Ball Diamond Parks. There was mention of new fencing at some road endings.

2. Minutes from 08/19/2014 meeting -approved as presented and will be published on the HT website.

3. Information from September Helena Twp. Mtg.: Report to be sent to the committee at a later time. (Notes from the 9-11 meeting can be found at the bottom of these minutes.) OLD BUSINESS:

4. Report on our 5-year plan progress for each park – no reports at this time.

5. Application for Recreational Passport Grant. There is nothing new to report.

6. Walking path request from the Friends of the District library group. The committee reviewed this request using the newly developed evaluation forms . During this possible improvements for the process were identified. Steve is going to update the evaluation forms. Ken will also ask the Library group to send an updated application to be reviewed during the October meeting.

7. Formation of Helena Community Fund Group. No new information to report.

8. Joint P & R Committee and USTA project to teach tennis to GT Band Campers. Even though we only had two groups of kids in classes one day the experience seemed to be enjoyed by the youth, camp counselors and the volunteer teachers. The hope is that further sessions can be scheduled for the summer of 2015.

9. Offer from Brad Gerlock to help with Coy Mt. Still waiting to see the survey results.

10. Discussion of possible improvements in the design, content and verbiage on Twp. Signs. Not discussed.

11.DNR plaques for the three parks where they are required but not displayed. The Twn. Board approved purchase of the needed plaques.

12. The “parking lot “ property at Coy Mtn. has a “for Sale’ sign on it. Not discussed.


13. Input from DABA representatives. Harvey Bartel and Fletcher Carter, representatives of DABA, discussed items they would like HT township participation in updating at Safe Harbor and Archie Valleau Landing. The items mentioned were: A. adding more benches and possibly picnic tables B. having the harbor entrance somehow identified for easy identification especially for on lake traffic. C. improving landscaping through permanent plantings. D. keeping the beach clean at Archie Valleau Landing. The process by which to request action was discussed. Paperwork was given to Harvey and Fletcher so that they will have the tools with which to a request action through the Pk & Rec. Committee and the HT Board.

14. Prioritize “future agenda items” – advanced to the October agenda

Other Agenda Items: None


September 16th, 2014 Minutes of Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting Continued                  page 2

Action Items needed / Individual Assignments to be completed:

1. To work on action steps for the Community Center to move toward the goals and objectives stated in the Five Yr. plan.

2. May contact colleges concerning the possibility of students taking on a project to work on a site plan for the Alden Ball Park.

1. Will talk with Heidi Shaffer about meeting with us to look over HT properties and discuss water access. He has talked with Heidi but no date has been set yet.

2. To work on action steps for the Ball Park to move toward the goals and objectives stated in the Five Yr. plan.

3. To contact Bert Thompson, A.C. Rd. Comm. re: proper protocol and costs for placement of signs at the access sites / Parks (?)

4. To work with Ruth on listing what signage we have / need at public access sites / parks(?)

Actions completed: Did not attend the P&R meeting in September to report on progress.


 1. To work on action steps for the Depot Park to move toward the goals and objectives stated in the Five Yr. plan.



1. To work on action steps for steps for Coy Mountain to move toward the goals and objectives stated in the Five Yr. plan.

2. After the survey is completed – work with Brad Gerlock to help assess issues of trail maintenance and possible trail development at Coy Mountain.



1. Has asked for abstracts for the HT Coy Mt. and Ball Park properties and will share them with the Comm.


1.The approved Aug. minutes are to be sent to Joyce Looman for publishing online.

2. The September minutes are to be prepared for review by the Committee.

3. To work on action steps for steps for Tennis Court Park to move toward the goals and objectives stated in the Five Yr. plan.

4. To work with Dave on listing what signage we have / need at public access sites / parks(?)

5. Actions completed: a. Sent July minutes to Joyce Looman for publishing online. b. Prepared August minutes for committee review at September meeting.



1. To work on action steps for steps for Tennis Court Park to move toward the goals and objectives stated in the Five Yr. plan.

2. Rework the project evaluation forms.

Actions completed:


September 16th, 2014 Minutes of Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting Continued      page 3

FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: These items will continue to be carried forward until they are discussed by the Committee

1. October – Discuss fee schedule for use of Park or pavilions or……
2. Discuss handicap parking in Helena Township.
3. Discuss developing a plan for a reservation system for all township parks.
4. Discuss doing a memo to the Twp. Board about placing signs at all parks to clarify that the township owns them and who to contact if there are questions or concerns about the site. This is to be discussed after the committee has a chance to visit all the Parks and Road Access sites this Spring/Summer.

5. Maps we use for Pks & Rec. Five Yr. Plan + are correct? – keep contact with Dan Roketenetz on this. Be sure the signs at the Lake St. and other sites give the public a clear idea of what is public and what is private land.

6. Work to update the Parks and Recreation pages of the Helena Township web site.

7. Mike mentioned the AAU Sports / Recreation Complex – Morey Complex- and suggested that they may be looking to locate a similar complex in Northern Michigan.

8. Look into the possibility of Flo McCormick (MI Assoc. of Counties) helping with writing any Pks. And Rec. grants. (Mike Crawford). Determine a grant writing resource and consider a grant recommendation review committee (P&R Committee – ?) that would review grants and give input to the Township Board (Rick)
9. Consider Keith Charters as a resource for Pk. & Rec. projects.

10. Riparian rights / possible review by township attorney (Dave)

11. Any new equipment (picnic tables, benches, etc.)should not be made of wood (Rick) – see Rick’s page

12. Further discuss Alden Safe Harbor and its park status / ownership – memo to Board?

13. Research rules and laws governing road ending lake access sites (Steve, Ruth)

14. Deed restrictions for Helena Twp. Parks are to be reviewed. (Bring copies of deeds -Steve)

15 Check responsibilities of the Parks & Rec. Committee outlined in the current HT Master Plan.

16. Talk about a possible future request for a low % millage to help fund our Parks.

The next monthly meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 21st, 2014 – 3 PM at the Helena Township Offices.

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith 10-20-2014

Parks and Recreation related notes from the HT Board Meeting September 11, 2014

1. Paul DeLange reported to the board to update them on the proposed project to add a shed roof on the storage building at Depot Park.

A. He has been in contact with the State Historical Preservation Society concerning the proposed shed roof and was told that although they appreciated his getting in touch their approval is not needed on projects that are not directly related to the Depot structure.

B. Funding for the project is to come from the Historical Society with Alden Volunteers providing the labor.

C. They will be seeking permits concerning zoning, building , and soil erosion.

2. Burt Thompson of the Road Commission is to look into the flooding issue at the Depot.

3. There was talk of providing some type of protective barrier to lessen the chance of anyone falling “through the fence” over Spencer Creek between the Pear Tree and Out Fitters.

4. Rick Teague did talk with Burt Thompson about Tyler Street and Burt clarified that the restriction specified that there would be no car traffic.

5. Mick Crawford encouraged the Parks and Rec. Committee to keep putting in grant requests for Native American grant money. He states he is aware of one request that was denied for years before it was approved.

6. I did present our request that the mandated DNR placques be purchased and displayed at the three Park sites where DNR grant monies helped provide funding. The board did approve this purchase.


Ruth Smith – to the best of my memory J. 10-20-2014