Parks & Rec Agenda Nov 6, 2019

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Parks and Recreation Committee Agenda for 11/06/2019

Meeting time is 7:00 – 9:00 pm on the first Wednesday of the month.               

  • Community input
  • Minutes from 10/02/2019 meeting (Ruth).
  • Information from monthly Helena Twp. Mtg. (Bonnie/Jim/Ruth).



  1. Soil Erosion at the Ball Park: 1) Heidi Shaffer completed a grant request for erosion control. 2) Status of erosion control permit process (Ruth) 3) Deed restrictions issue is on hold. If our application for a erosion control permit is approved, we will again take this matter to the Township Board for further clarification. (Ruth)
  2. GTRLC wants to know how much the township can provide for this project. Ruth will talk with Cathy Rice.

Need to get back to GTRLC to give them a dollar amount. Todd mentioned possible DNR grant to help with funding.

Need to review GT Regional Land Conservancy draft partnership agreement with Helena Township, using the “Application for Project” review process. (Steve, Ruth).       

  1. 6.   5-year-plan approved by Twp. Board submitted to DNR on 7/27/2018.  Waiting on approval.

Rick was told no further documentation was needed. Importance of plan approval has increased if GTRLC intends to do grant request for acquisition fund. Follow up with Rick in November. Suggest to Rick that he write a letter to the Supervisor of the Grants Unit?(Bonnie, Ruth)          

  1. 7.     Capital Improvement Plan (CIP): (Dell) Did we agree not to include Comm. Cntr per the board’s suggestion?

Limit scope of CIP to Parks and Recreation jurisdictions only.Ball Park:

Snyder/Westerman,        Coy Mtn: Dell,     Comm. Cntr: Robbins,       Depot Park: Loveland

Road Endings: Robbins/Gurr,           Safe Harbor & Archie Valleau Landing: Smith,

Tennis Court Park: Smith,                 Water Trails: Dell

Include the following items for discussion and add any items identified by Mike or the board.

–               For each park, road end and water trail site, inventory all items in the asset.

–               For each item in the asset, determine date acquired (age), current condition, useful life of item and date it may need to be replaced (use Mike to help with this)

–               For each item in the asset, assign a number to identify that item and mark it with a permanent marker on a part of the item that is protected from the weather. Use this identifying number when describing the item in your assessment sheet.(NEW)

–               For each asset, identify future projects and compile a budget and date of implementation.

–               For each asset, identify future costs to replace each item inventoried and date replacement needed.

–               For each asset, do an assessment of the handicap access.(NEW)

–               Identify funding sources for any projects planned for that site.(NEW)

–               Other:

                Bonnie has agreed to input data initially on the CIP computer program and maintain the data going forward.(Dell)

  1. Coy Mountain forest management: We were asked by the Helena Twp. Board to come up with a forest plan                                                         for Coy Mtn. Review draft forest management plan for Coy Mountain Forest Preserve. If approved, take to

       Twp. Board.(Jim, Ruth, Bonnie)(NOV)

  1. Parking issues at safe harbor. Barry and Laura to meet with Burt Thompson of Antrim Co. Road Commission and report

                Back to committee. (Barry, Laura)(NOV)

  1. Fundraising for Coy Mountain Preserve (Laura, Jan)(NOV)
  2.    Annual review of the Parks and Recreation Committee website (Ruth, Steve) (SEPT OF EACH YEAR)


  1. 12. Tri-fold brochure and some “high-tech” chips telling about our parks and community events. (Bonnie, Jan)(NOV)  
  2. Paul Delange proposal for addition of box car to train at Depot Park.


  1. Recognition of volunteers who worked on Coy Mtn. trail redo. An article in one or more of the papers was the suggestion the committee liked best(Jan)(APRIL)
  2. Celebration of the completion of the Coy Mountain Preserve trail redo (Jan) (APRIL)
  3. Annual assessment of Coy Mountain Trails and trees that need cutting and report to Twp. Board (Steve, Ruth)(NOV)
  4. Update on GTRLC/Helena Twp. Coy Mtn project. Signs won’t be coming until Spring. (Dell)(MARCH)