Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 07/03/2019 Approved 8/7/2019 In attendance: Steve Dell, Jim Gurr, Bonnie Robbins, Ruth Smith, & Barry Snyder Absent: Jan Loveland & Laura Westerman
- Community input: None
- Minutes from the 06/03/2019 meeting were approved as presented & will be published on the HT website
- Information from the June Helena Twp. Mtg.: I told the board we would look into the land value assessment process authorized by the Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy.
- Erosion control at the Ball Park was again discussed. Heidi Shaffer soil erosion officer for the Antrim Conservation District discussed why she feels it is important to stop the erosion if possible. After discussion we asked Heidi to complete the paperwork for an erosion control permit at the Ball Park. The P&R committee will discuss the deed restriction issue with the board.
- Update on Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy (GTRLC)/ Helena Twp. Coy Mtn. Trail project. We are still waiting for the kiosk design / signage being done through GTRLC.
- Possible funding for land acquisition at Coy Mt. was discussed. We need to have a plan for funding this project in place before we can complete an Application for Project review. Potential funding sources will be pursued and presented at the next meeting.
- 5-Yr. Plan. Steve has not heard back from Tamara Jorkasky, our advisor at DNR, concerning the status of our Five Yr. Plan. We will request that the HT supervisor contact the DNR requesting the status of the HT 5 Yr. plan submitted in July of 2018.
- Capital Improvement Plan (CIP): Steve continues working toward providing a format to use when evaluating each site for the CIP. Steve will finish contacting the HT board members to receive input from them.
- Tri-fold brochures and some “high-tech” chips telling about our parks and community events. This was discussed and will be moved to the August agenda.
- The discussion on forest management at Coy Mt. will be moved to the August agenda.Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith 07/05/2019
- The next monthly meeting is scheduled for: Wednesday, August 7th, 2019 at 7pm in the meeting room at the Community Bldg.