Parks & Rec Minutes August 5, 2020

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Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 08/05/2020               Approved 09-2-2020 In attendance: Steve Dell, Jim Gurr, Jan Loveland, Bonnie Robbins, Ruth Smith, Barry Snyder, & Laura Westerman.    Absent: No one Non-members in attendance: Deana Jerdee, Paddle Antrim ED 1. Meeting called to order. There was no public input. 2. The meeting minutes from 07/01/2020 were approved as presented & will be published on the HT website.


  1. From HT July Meeting. There was no feed-back from the June HT Board Meeting. OLD BUSINESS
  2. Soil erosion at the Ball Park. Barry Snyder presented information on bids he has received for the shoreline stabilization project. He will continue working on getting further estimates. The Committee agrees it is time to start working on a site plan for the Ball Diamond Park. 
  3. Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Steve has asked for the CIP information that committee members have put together. He will input the information into the software program and determine how the program can best be used. This will be further discussed in September. NEW BUSINESS:
  4. Depot Park. Jan talked about the cars driving onto the park property. Bonnie let us know that the HT Board is pursuing the installation of a metal fence at Depot Park.  


  1. Recognition of volunteers who worked on the Coy Mt. Trail redo. Article in paper? & 8. Celebration of the completion of the new trail at Coy Mt. Both 7. & 8. are being moved to future agenda items for the month of April 2021. (Jan.) 9. Tri-fold brochure telling about our parks and local events. There was some discussion and this will remain on the agenda for September. 
  2. The Antrim Co. P&R survey was open to response June 15- July 31st.
  3. Deana Jerdee, Paddle Antrim ED regarding signs for the water trail in Helena Township. Paddle Antrim is ready to install signs at Archie Valleau Landing, the Ball Diamond, and the ‘emergency’ road ending sites. Dave Peterson of the HT Board asked Deana Jerdee to work with the P&R Committee concerting signage. Ruth is to coordinate a meeting with the P&R sub-committee, Barry Snyder & Ruth Smith, Dave Peterson (per Bonnie’s suggestion) and Deana Jerdee.

12 The Alden Racquet Sports Committee plans to lobby the Helena Township Board to allow use of the gym for PB. This request will be presented at the next Township Meeting. Items discussed but not on the agenda: Barry has been in contact with Burt Thompson of the Antrim Co. Road Commission. He states that the cost of striping the parking spaces that we requested him to design for Helena Township are to be paid by Helena Township. The cost will be presented to the HT Board when Barry receives the amount from Burt Thompson. Jim Gurr states that he has some bumper curbs that he can provide for this location.

The next monthly meeting is scheduled for: Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020 at 7pm in the Community Bldg.

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith 08/10/2020