Parks & Rec Minutes July 1, 2020

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Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 07/01/2020                 Approved 8-5-2020 In attendance, Jim Gurr, Bonnie Robbins, Ruth Smith, & Barry Snyder Absent: Steve Dell, Jan Loveland, & Laura Westerman. 1. Meeting called to order. There was no public input. 2. The meeting minutes from 06/03/2020 were approved as presented & will be published on the HT website.

  1. From HT June Meeting. There was no feed-back from the June HT Board Meeting. OLD BUSINESS
  2. Soil erosion at the Ball Park. The last information received by Heidi Shafer from Blaze Budd of MI Environmental, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) was positive concerning moving soil from the RR grade to the ditch east of this area to level the area. Blaze visited the site and did not see anything that raised red flags. He cautioned that we need to have a tarp ready while grading the area so that if we come across RR ties or stained soils they can be separated out and properly disposed of. Barry Snyder plans to pursue getting estimates of costs for the shoreline stabilization project after the 4th. The Committee feels it is time to start working on a site plan for the Ball Diamond Park.

  3. Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Steve received the CIP software and is working on getting it set up for the project. This will be further discussed in August.

  4. Parking Issues at Safe Harbor: The plan for striping parking areas at Safe Harbor was presented to the HT Board in June. We feel that a future agenda item with an October date would remind us to check with Burt Thompson on this project if it has not been completed by then. The P&R Committee needs to discuss a possible accessible “drop off” parking space near the accessible dock.

  5. 7. Signage for Coy Mountain Preserve. Signage for the Coy Mt. trail has been completed with the plan being to install this signage on Tue., July 7th. BUSINESS:
  6. Depot Park (Jan). This will be on the August agenda so that Jan can present her thoughts.
  7. Recognition of volunteers who worked on the Coy Mt. Trail redo. & 10. Celebration of the completion of the Coy Mt. Preserve trail redo. We will wait until the signage has been installed at the Coy Mt. Trail before we plan either of these events.
  8. Tri-fold brochure and some ‘high-tech’ chips telling about our parks and local events. There was some discussion and this will remain on the agenda for August.
  9. Antrim Co. is updating its Community Park & Recreation Plan. There is an online survey at

The next monthly meeting is scheduled for: Wednesday, August 5th, 2020 at 7pm in the Community Bldg.

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith 07/02/2020