Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 10/03/2018 Approved 11-07-2018 In attendance: Steve Dell, Jim Gurr, Bonnie Robbins, Ruth Smith, & Laura Westerman.
Absent: Jan Loveland & Jeanne Peeples.
1. Community input: None.
2. Minutes from 9/05/2018 meeting were approved as presented & will be published on the HT website.
3. Information from the September Helena Twp. Mtg.: Nothing to report back.
4. Update on installing an ADA compliant parking spot at the Veteran’s Memorial.
The last we knew Paul De Lange was going to ask for an estimate of what the additional cost would be to pave a parking spot near the Veteran’s Memorial. Steve will check (Alden Volunteers) to see what has been determined concerning this ADA parking.
5. Update on GTRLC/Helena Twp. Coy Mtn project. Dean Crandall has completed the machine work at Coy Mt. The maintenance crew is in the final stages of the needed hand maintenance on the path. Steve Lagerquist from the GT Regional Land Conservancy is working on signage for the Coy Mt. Trail and will bring his suggestions to the P&R Committee when complete.
6. 5-Yr. Plan was approved by the HT Board and was submitted online to the DNR on July 22, 2018. There is no know feedback from the DNR at this time. We will wait until at least three months from the date it was submitted to follow up on where the plan is in the approval process.
7. FOCUS Fund Endowment monies ($2,500) were received and the Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation is asking for support from HT on letting others know we received the funds and how they will help our Township. Laura Westerman is working with the Community Foundation on this and this agenda item is to be removed.
8. The idea of purchasing lands adjacent to Coy Mt. Reserve has come before the committee. The committee feels there is value in looking at potential lands to purchase (especially the non-township land people using the trail now park on). Steve will contact Bob Logee to try to clarify what parcels of land are for sale. We will be talking with the GT Regional Land Conservancy about the possibility of working with them on land acquisition. The “application for project review process” will be used to further evaluate possible land acquisition.
9. Capital Improvement Plan: For each park, inventory all items in the park. Create an estimate for the useful life of each item and establish a schedule for replacing each item. Steve is aware of someone who might write a program for us that will fit the HT needs. Bonnie, Jim, Laura, Ruth, & Steve will work together to determine what needs to be included on such a program. The plan is to also talk with Mike Crawford & Cathy Rice so that their insights can be included when thinking of a program.
10. Annual review of the Parks and Recreation Committee website. The website has been reviewed and Bonnie is making needed changes. Bonnie suggested we may want to add updated pictures of the Coy Mt. Reserve Trail.
The next monthly meeting is scheduled for: Wednesday, November 7th,2018 at 7pm in the meeting room at the Community Bldg.
Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith 10/07/2018