Parks and Recreation Committee Agenda for 4/ /2017
Meeting time is 7:00 – 9:00 pm on the first Wednesday of the month.
- Community Input
- Minutes from 3/01/2017 meeting (Ruth).
- Information from monthly Helena Twp. Mtg. (Ruth).
- Recreational Passport Grant from DNR: Amendment.(Steve)
- Requests for memorial issues (Ruth). Also review Twp opinion on tax deductibility of donations (Jim, Ruth).
- Volunteer hold-harmless form. New info from Twp. Ins Company(Jim/Ruth)
- GTR Land Conservancy at Coy Mtn. Any update on draft agreement? (Ruth).
- Proof Valley St. road end was accepted by Twp. (Ruth).
- Erosion Abatement Project at Ball Park. Mike to get estimates.
- Review HT Parks Community Survey questions…progress in completion.
- AV working with HT on funding some projects. – add toddler playground equipment.(Ruth)
- Discuss and decide what Twp roads would be the best for a bicycle route. Look at entire county for continuity.
(See Master Plan) (APRIL) Suggest we move this to June
- Get copy of HT Park surveys that have been completed for the P&R Resource Book? (Ruth) (APRIL)
- Steve to get Jim Moore from Disability Network to walk Ball Park for accessibility assessment. (Steve)(APRIL)
Suggest we move this to May.
- Would it be a good idea to have a HT P&R Facebook page – if yes take to HT Board ? (Jan.) 16.Tim Moore – Summer lessons – July 31 – Aug. 4th 8am – 12:30pm (Ruth)
- Handicap parking in Helena Township (Discussion). (TO BE DISCUSSED WHEN WE REVIEW EACH PARK)
- Annual review of the Parks and Recreation Committee website (Steve/Ruth) (SEPT OF EACH YEAR)
- New sign for Coy Mountain . (JUNE)
- Proposal from Jack Findlay of Alden Volunteers for P&R Committee to prioritize top 3 projects we would like to get done and he will use AV resources to help obtain funding (Ruth). (MONTHLY)
- Revision of our five-year-plan. Committee decided to review each park and revise that park’s plan together at our monthly committee meeting. Review accommodation for handicap parking when reviewing each park. June 1 – June 30: Monkey Survey to get public input. Also newspapers, flyers, postcards. Meet with other groups (DABA, AV, etc.) to discuss results and get input. November: Consider approval of plan at regular P&R meeting and at same meeting get public March 1: Submit plan to DNR prior to this date. (MONTHLY UNTIL COMPLETE)
- 6. Coy Mountain forest management: We were asked by the Helena Township Board to come up with a forest plan for Coy Mountain (See the March meeting minutes for specifics). Our current plan involves the following activities:
- input on the plan.
- Sept – October: Complete “Recreation and Natural Resources Plan”
- August: Public meeting to get input on survey results. Coop Extension will help.
- Tentative Time Frames:
- Come up with a plan for forest management and an improved trail system. This might involve bringing in an ecologist, asking Mike Meriwether to speak to us, or both.
- If the committee reworks the trail system before the overall forest management plan is completed, we may present it to the HT Board separately.
- After our Forest Management Plan for Coy Mtn. is completed, it will be taken to HT Board for review and action.
- Capital Improvement Plan: For each park, inventory all items in the park. Create an estimate for the useful life of each item and establish a schedule for replacing each item. Possible software program (Steve). (MAY)