Parks & Recreation Committee Minutes – April 19, 2016

Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 04/19/2016 Approved 5-2-2016

In attendance: Mike Crawford, Steve Dell, Jim Gurr, Jan Loveland, Ken Masck, Dave Peterson, & Ruth Smith. Absent: Brad Gerlach, Special guest: Heidi Shaffer 1. Community Input: None

2. Minutes from the 03/15/2016 meeting were reviewed and approved as presented. They will be published online.

3. Information from the monthly Helena Twp. Mtg. No information pertaining to Pk. & Rec. I did report to the Helena Township (HT) Board concerning action needed after the tennis court resurfacing and new sidewalk installation is completed.


4. Recreational Passport Grant from DNR – tennis court resurface + sidewalk: Steve has talked with the project engineer who will try to schedule a pre-construction meeting in the near future. They are asking for an on-site meeting with a HT official able to approve the contract to be in attendance.

5. Juniper Garden Club request. On hold until pictures are provided.

6. Possible meeting time change to Monday night. The committee voted to change the meeting day to the first Monday of each month at 7pm.

7. Erosion abatement project at Ball Park. Possible improvements were discussed along with potential costs. Heidi Shafer is going to continue to obtain bids on erosion control, a possible (elevated) beach, & green belt areas. The thought at this time is that the Soil Conservation District and the HT Parks & Rec. Committee work together on planning & evaluating the project. Heidi will also pursue estimates on a kayak launch. The committee approved the idea of a kayak launch to be installed on the north end of the property. This will be further evaluated in the May meeting.


8. Pickleball lines on the basketball court + …The Alden Racquet Sports Committee, a sub-committee of the maintenance committee of the Alden Volunteers presented a project request that they be allowed to install permanent posts and a net and pickleball lines on the basketball court at Tennis Court Park. The committee reviewed the project and is recommending to the HT Board that it be approved.

9. Revision of our five-year-plan. Moved to the May agenda.

10. New sign for Coy Mountain. This is being moved to the future agenda items list to be looked at in September.

11. Report on our 5-year-plan progress. This is something that we need to talk over as a committee. It will be on the May agenda. The discussion will include how we are going to prioritize needed improvements in the parks based on the current 5-year plan. We also need to consider what might need to be included in the next 5-year plan. (May)

12. Discussion of 80 acres on McPherson Rd. This is being moved to the future agenda items to be looked at in October.

13. Coy Mountain forest management. This is being moved to the future agenda items to be looked at in November.

14. Bathroom doors in Community Center. Dave Peterson, as HT clerk, is looking into this issue. This is being removed from the Pk. & Rec. agenda.


1. Discuss and decide what twp. Roads would be best for a bicycle route. Look at the entire county for continuity. (See master plan) (May).

2. Discuss Requests for Memorials in the Parks. (June)

3. Annual review of Pk. & Rec. website. (Sept. of each year) (Steve/Ruth)

4. Discuss 80 acres that HT owns on McPherson Rd. to decide what recreational uses it might provide (Oct.)