Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 02/06/2017 Approved 3-1-2017
In attendance: Mike Crawford, Steve Dell, Jim Gurr, Dave Peterson, & Ruth Smith. Absent: Jan Loveland
1. Community Input. None
2. Minutes from the 01/09/2017 meeting were reviewed and approved as presented & will be published online. 3. Information from the January Helena Twp. Meeting Information was presented to the board concerning: Hold Harmless & Memorials policies. The board suggested ideas for improvement on the hold harmless policy which will be taken back to the board. P&R recommended that an attorney be involved concerning the side walk not being poured to specification. OLD BUSINESS: 4. Recreational Passport Grant from DNR extending dates correction of sidewalk grade: A. the Township’s attorney, Chris Bzdok, suggested bids be obtained for the cost of bringing the sidewalk into compliance. The Township is hiring Kyle Kobylski the original project engineer to obtain these bids. Further potential action depends upon the amount of the bids obtained. B. As we still do not have a decision concerning extension of our grant deadline to June 30th. Steve asked Dave P. if he could again contact our DNR concerning this. Dave asked Steve to proceed. 5. Requests for Memorials: There was no funding source located for this project. The price of a board and plates will be pursued and then taken to the HT Board with a request to fund the project.
6. Volunteer holds harmless form.
The HT Board requested some changes to the Hold Harmless form. These will be made and brought before the P&R Committee for the March meeting. 7. GTR Land Conservancy at Coy Mt. The conservancy is considering helping with improvements at the park. Steve will clarify specifically what the Conservancy is proposing and bring the information to the next P&R Meeting. NEW BUSINESS: 8. Meeting time/day the committee agreed that beginning March 1st, 2017 the meeting day is changed to the first Wednesday of each month still beginning at 7pm. There will be no December meeting. 9. Revision of our five-year-plan the proposed time line for work on the next Five Year Plan: June 1 – June 30 – Have Survey Monkey prepared and notify HT residents how to complete the survey. August – Hold a public meeting to get input on survey results. ” – Meet with local volunteer groups – discuss survey results & obtain input. September – October – Complete the Five Year Plan November – P&R Committee to consider the plan. Also encourage open input from the public November- Distribute the proposed Five Year Plan to the HT Board December – Present the completed Five Year Plan at the Dec. HT Board requesting approval. March 1 – Submit completed plan to the DNR prior to this date. 2
Pk & Rec. Committee Minutes for 02/06/2017 continued Approved 3-1-2017
10. Review Ecologist recommendation Re: Coy Mt. Angie Lucas, Senior Land Steward, for The Grand Traverse Land Conservancy evaluated the Coy Mt. Park in October 2016. Angie’s evaluation reports a classic mesic northern forest of MI. Recommendations included removing any broken or leaning trees that could cause a danger to hikers on the maintained trails.
The existence of three non-native invasive plant species was noted. The recommendation was to monitor and eradicate the garlic mustard, Japanese barberry and Myrtle. Limiting disturbance to the forest floor was also recommended as part of the fight against these invasive plant species. When evaluated via the Floristic Quality Assessment Coy Mt. is considered a high-quality site for its size.
The P&R Committee would like to have other assessments of Coy completed by others whom might have different ways of assessing the park. We hope to check with MI Co Op extension and perhaps another worker from the GT Land Conservancy concerning this. 11. Capitol Improvement Plan – This is being moved to the March agenda…
12. Proposal by Jack Findlay of AV Ruth Smith talked with Jack Findlay, of Alden Volunteers (AV), about AV joining with HT to work together on some projects. Suggested possible projects: A. Acquisition of land at Coy Mountain – a possible project. B. Stabilization of at least 118 ft. of Lake Shore at the Ball Park – very likely to find support from persons understanding the need to stop erosion. The P&R Committee is interested in pursuing this further. We need some estimates of the cost of work to be done before any further action can take place. C. Memorial Board and some plates for future use. – This project is smaller than AV had in mind. 13. New sign for Coy Mt. Moved to the June future agenda items.
14. Road Ending
Mike mentioned that there is significant encroachment on township property at the Best St., Crystal Springs, and Valley Street road endings. There was discussion and a passing vote to refer this item to the HT Board with a recommendation that action be taken to stop the encroachment. Votes for this action – Mike Crawford, Steve Dell, Jim Gurr, & Ruth Smith. Vote against this action – Dave Peterson.
The next monthly meeting is scheduled for: Wednesday, March 1st, 2017– 7pm – meeting room at the Community Bldg… Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith 02-21-2017