Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 5/02/2018 Approved 06 / 06 /2018
Meeting time is 7:00 – 9:00 pm on the first Wednesday of the month. In attendance: Steve Dell, Jim Gurr, Bonnie Robbins, Ruth Smith, & Laura Westerman. Absent: Jan Loveland & Jeanne Peeples
1. Community input – Mike Crawford – feels covered garbage containers are needed for township. The committee is in agreement that covered garbage cans would be better.
2. Minutes from 4/04/2018 meeting (Ruth). Approved as presented & will be published on the HT website.
3. Information from April Helena Twp. Mtg. (Bonnie/Jim/Ruth). The board members all said they had received the draft Five Yr. Plan. A generator is to be purchased for the Community Center as it serves as the back-up building to the fire dept. for emergencies. Cathy mentioned the AED training scheduled for the next Tuesday.
4. Update on GTRLC/H.T. Coy Mt. project. Steve wondered if anyone knew if the completed MOU had been received by HT. Steve is to follow up on this. Ken Masck held a meeting concerning the trail rework project. We need an update on what came out of that meeting.
5. HT Parks Community Survey and revision of our 5-year plan. (Steve/Ruth/Jan/Jim/Bonnie/Laura) Community Description: Jim Completed and approved Administrative Structure: Bonnie Completed and approved Inventory of parks…etc.: Ruth/Jan/Laura Completed and approved Previous Grant Assisted Parks: Steve In progress. Resource Inventory: Steve Completed and approved Description of Planning…etc.: Bonnie One section needs to be updated concerning public input Goals, Objectives…etc.: Ruth/Steve Completed and approved Plan Certification Checklist: Steve To be done after the plan is approved by HT board. Database for respondents who requested contact: Jan/Ruth An email or a letter will be sent to each respondent giving them information about how to access the plan and submit input if they wish. (Completed) July 1: July 31: Monkey Survey to get public input. Advertise via newspapers, flyers, postcards. (Completed) August: Public meeting to get input on survey results. Coop Extension assisted. (Completed) October: Met with other stakeholders (Alden Men’s Club, Torch Conservation Center, etc.) to discuss results and get input. (Completed) Sept – April: Complete “Recreation and Natural Resources Plan” (Completed) April: Plan approved as presented at April P&R meeting. April: Bonnie: has arranged notice of completion of the plan and how to review and comment on the plan in the Elk Rapids News and the Antrim Review & put flyers up in town. Jan: to check to see if this can be publicized in Trout and About. Ruth arranged that this information was publicized in The Voice. Notice is on the P&R board. Steve: Got the plan to the HT Board, arranged to have it published on the HT website, and prepared paper copies of the plan to be available at the library and the HT office. June: Offer an opportunity for public input at the regular P&R meeting June 6th. If revisions are needed they will be voted on at the June meeting and the plan approved as revised. June/July: Present completed plan to HT Board for review and approval. July: Submit approved plan to DNR prior to this date. NEW BUSINESS:
6. Open House for Tennis Courts per DNR grant request obligations. (Steve/Ruth) A pickleball tournament sponsored by ARSC will be held Aug. 25th. The current plan is to hold an open house / ribbon cutting ceremony at this event.
7. The FOCUS Fund Endowment Grant Application was submitted online before the May 1st deadline. Supportive materials were emailed as directed.
8. Dave Peterson has agreed to a revision of some of the language in the current hold-harmless form as proposed by the P&R Committee. The revised form is now on file with the township. Copies of this form will be sent to Steve Lagerquist to be used by volunteers at the Coy Mt. Trail rework project.
The next monthly meeting is scheduled for: Wednesday, June 6th, 2018 at 7pm in the meeting room at the Community Bldg. Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith 05/08/2018