Minutes of Helena Township Planning Commission
September 06, 2018
Meeting called to order by Gurr at 7:09 p.m.
Opened with Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call:
Present: Jim Gurr Laura Westerman
Joe Bassil Bonnie Robbins
Absent: Gordie Schafer Mike Robinson,
one opening for member
Township officials present: Bob Logee
Approval of Agenda: Motion: Westerman, 2nd Robbins. Carried
Statement of Conflict of Interest: None
Approval of Minutes: May 17, 2018 As presented. Motion: Robbins, 2nd Westerman. Carried.
Public Comment: 0 in attendance
Communications: Discussion of information on short-term rental. Courts have ruled it as commercial use. Robbins will provide copies of communication shared by Rick Teague, Township Supervisor.
New Business: August 2018: LU 7; FC 4; AC 0; PC 5; ZV 0
Logee discussed areas of the ordinance and asked these be added to the points of discussion under review.
Old Business: Topics to add to the dicussion include parks in Agricultural District, RV use while building a permanent residents, signs in yards of short-term rentals, waterfront properties and use of yard between home and 25′ shoreline protection buffer zone. Definition of temporary.
After discussion of the permit process for allowed uses in Ag zone the attached document will be offered at public hearing scheduled for the regular October 4, 2018 meeting. Motion to change ordinance as outlined on attached document offered by Robbins; supported by Bassil, motion carried.
Additional topics tabled for future meetings.
Public Comment: None
Adjourn: 8:35 pm Motion Bassil, 2nd Westerman. Carried
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Robbins
Helena Township Planning Commission Recording Secretary