Helena Township Planning Commission
August 4, 2016
Gurr called meeting to order at 7:05 pm
Opened with Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Present: Jim Gurr Bonnie Robbins
Mike Robinson Bob Johnson
Absent: Rodger Dewey Chris Dewald
Ken Renaud
Township officials present: Molby
Approval of Agenda: Motion: Robbins, 2nd: Johnson. Carried
Statement of Conflict of Interest: None
Approval of Minutes: Add Johnson as absent. Add as needed after Rodger Dewey in final public comment section. Motion: Robbins, 2nd Robinson. Carried
Public Comment: 4 present. Gurr reported Zoning Board of Appeals change. Minutes will need to be recorded quickly. ZBA does not hold regular meetings. Challenge of decision is a 30 day period and cannot start until minutes have been approved.
Communications: None.
New Business: July 2016: Land Use 1, Field Checks 6, Attorney Contacts 0, Public Contacts 12, Zoning Violations 0
Old Business:
Zoning ordinance review topics:
Private road easement: Discussed. No change in ordinance language.
Signs: Section 5.09.03.C: Bullet 2: Digital Electronic Signs. Renumber remaining bullet point(s).
Section 5.09.04.C Bullet 1: Digital Electronic Signs. Renumber remaining bullet point(s).
Section 5.09.05: Add Bullet E: Digital Electronic Signs
1. Signs are subject to all size and dimension conditions of the Ordinance.
- Digital images will alternate no more rapidly than four (4) images per minute.
- Digital imagery is programmed to stationary display after operating hours and at minimum illumination with no scrolling text or racing borders.
Section 5.09.06: Bullet C: Digital Electronic Signs require Special Use Permit pursuant to Chapter 6.
Renumber remaining bullet point(s).
Section 4.06.02.F: Boat Storage, with screening where it abuts residential property.
Section 4.07.02.B: Second sentence: strike “will not be permitted” and replace with shall require a Special Use Permit.
Public Comment: None
Adjourn: 7:45 p.m. Motion Johnson, 2nd Robinson. Carried
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Robbins, Helena Township Planning Commission Recording Secretary