Planning Commission Minutes – July 07, 2010
Minutes of Helena Township Planning Commission
July 07, 2010
Meeting called to order by Chair Jim Swan 7:04 p.m.
Opened with Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Present: Jim Swan Jim Gurr
Bob Johnson Chris Dewald
Bonnie Robbins Rodger Dewey
Absent: Sue Moglovkin Joe Bassil
Township officials present: Guy Molby
Approval of Agenda: Approved as submitted. Motion Gurr, 2nd Robbins Carried (6,0)
Approval of Minutes: May 5, 2010 As submitted Motion Gurr, 2nd Johnson Carried (6,0)
May 12, 2010 Changes: 1 (Public comment)—Bob bold or designate as question from public. 2 Bold or separate time of closing on Public Hearing. Motion: Gurr w/2 changes, 2nd Johnson Carried (6,0)
May 26, 2010 Correct date at top of page to May 26. Motion Gurr, 2nd Johnson. Carried (6,0)
Public Comment: 0 in attendance.
Communications: None. Discussion of survey from Northwest Michigan Council of Governments and possible grant opportunity for township projects.
New Business:
ZA Written Report
June 2010– _1_ Land Use Permits, _ 7__ Field Checks, _4 Attorney Contact, 15 Other Contacts.
Election: Tabled until new board members
Letter: Robbins will send Swan electronic document to get to Twp. Supervisor to find new members.
Old Business:
Special Use Permit: Tabled.
Wind Tower Discussion:
Ordinance language from Bzdock will be reviewed at August meeting.
Definitions: Discussion on what definitions need reviewed. Fences, junk, and scenic view are items that need defined. Swan turned all info over to Moglovkin. Robbins will try to retrieve notes for records and to continue work. Tabled for committee discussion to present at a future meeting.
Public Comment:
Adjourn: Motion Johnson, 2nd Robbins. Carried (6,0)
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Robbins
Helena Township Planning Commission Recording Secretary