Planning Commission Minutes July 11, 2024

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MINUTES:  Thursday, July 11, 2024 at 6:00PM-6:45PM Approved Aug. 1, 2024

Helena Township Planning Commission and Zoning with Public Hearing of

Special Use Permit

Call to Order:  Chair S. Moglovkin called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.

Pledge of Allegiance:  All in room participated.

Roll Call: 

Present:  Sue Moglovkin, Fay VandenBerg, Gordy Schafer, Jim Gurr, Mike Robison, and Bonnie Robbins;          

Absent:  Joe Bassil;

Township Officials Present:  Bob Logee and Butch Peeples.

Approval of Agenda:  Motion by B. Robbins and 2nd by J. Gurr.

Statement of Conflict of Interest:  No conflicts. 


  1. Twenty-three letters were mailed to property owners within 300 feet or less of proposed Special Use Permit/No comments were received;
  2. Required forms for names and addresses were provided for those who wish to comment at this meeting.

Public Comment:  Closed meeting for Special Use Permit at 6:03pm by S. Moglovkin.

  • Bob Logee, Zoning Administrator was introduced and provided a large print schematic for public review;
  • Bob Logee also stated that both Health Department and Soil & Erosion permits had been respectfully approved by those governing bodies;
  • Name and Address of Property:        Old Alden Mill, LLC
    • 10545 Coy Street, Alden, Michigan 49612 
  • Jim Gurr confirmed that this location was changed from residential to commercial many years ago when a bookstore was opened;
  • Mike McCrackin and his daughter were present to answer any public inquiries, concerns and questions;
  • Mike McCrackin confirmed that handicap ingress/egress would meet code;
  • Dorothy Walter, representing the Historical Society, inquired regarding assurance that the building construction and renovation would be done in a manner keeping the historical integrity of the building. Mike McCrackin responded that he has the “old photographs” of the building site for reference during the construction and renovation;
  • Jack Findlay provided positive input for this venture with positive impact for both property owners and Village of Alden;
  • Butch Peeples also provided positive input for this Special Use Permit and the positive impact for Village of Alden;
  • Public Comment was closed at 6:24pm by S. Moglovkin.

Special Use Permit Determination: 

  • Finding of Fact:
    • The Helena Township Planning Commission and Zoning reviewed the Zoning Ordinance regulations Chapter 6 – Special Use Permits, and Chapter 7 – Site Plan Review Regulations;
    • The Helena Township Planning Commission and Zoning determined that these were met.
  • Move to Approve:
    • The Special Use Permit was approved by the Helena Township Planning Commission and Zoning;
    • Robbins will present this to the Helena Township Board for their approval on July 11th, 2024.

Adjourn:  Motion by S. Moglovkin and 2nd by J. Gurr.  Meeting was adjourned at 6:26pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Fay VandenBerg, Helena Township Planning and Zoning Commission Secretary