Planning Commission Minutes – March 03, 2010


Minutes of Helena Township Planning Commission

March 03, 2010


Meeting called to order by Chair Jim Swan 7:05 p.m.

Opened with Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call:                      Present:            Jim Swan                Jim Gurr

Chris Dewald           Joe Bassil

Bonnie Robbins

Absent:             Doug Fadely            Sue Moglovkin

Bob Johnson           Rodger Dewey

Township officials present:                      Guy Molby


Approval of Agenda:    Approved.  Motion Bassil, 2nd Gurr with reminder to include Conflict of Interest statement. Carried (5,0)

Approval of Minutes:    February 03, 2010 minutes approved submitted.  Motion: Dewald, 2nd Gurr.  Carried (5,0)

Public Comment:         0in attendance.

Communications:         None

New Business:

Bassil:              Unsupervised halfway houses.  Presented letter to submit to our Congressional                                                      representatives with our signatures voicing our concerns of the potential impact to our                                             communities.

Dewald: Alden Area ORV ordinance.  Questions definition of ORV and ability to enforce.                                                      Discussion of need for this ordinance.  Tabled until next meeting.

Bassil:              Distributed copies Kearney Township Tower Ordinance

ZA Written Report

Feb 2010–         _0_  Land Use Permits,  _ 5__ Field Checks,  _ 4 Attorney Contact,    9  Other Contacts.

Researching FOLI request but township needs a computer to put the information in so it is easier to retrieve information by permit number or address.

Old Business:

            Special Use Permit:  Dewald discussed letter from Brian Graham in response to our special use language several years ago.  Graham’s letter states special use language is sufficient.  Material was submitted to Molby for review and discussion at the March meeting if it needs revision.  Letter from current attorney (Bzdock) also states current language is sufficient.

Wind Tower Discussion:   Bassil presented language for Wind Tower Ordinance.  Based from Kearney Township ordinance.  Molby, Swan & Bassil will meet this month and bring their recommendation to the commission for review in April.

Definitions and Standards:  Tabled for next meeting.

Public Comment:


Adjourn: Motion Dewald, 2nd Robbins. Carried (5,0)


Respectfully Submitted,




Bonnie Robbins

Helena Township Planning Commission Recording Secretary