Minutes of Helena Township Planning Commission
May 4, 2023
Meeting called to order by Moglovkin at 5.00 P.M.
Opened with Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call:
Present: Sue Moglovkin Gordy Schafer
Joe Bassil Jim Gurr
Bonnie Robbins Mike Robinson (5:25)
Absent: Gary Lockwood
Township officials present: Bob Logee
Approval of Agenda: Motion by Gurr, 2nd by Schafer Carried
Statement of Conflict of Interest: None
Public Comment: 0 in attendance.
Communications: Gurr shared information about topics in the Township Focus from Michigan Township Association and the Michigan Planner along with alert that the State Legislature is trying to extend ability of officials to participate in votes via remote link.
Approval of Minutes: February 2, 2023. As submitted. Motion: Schafer, 2nd Moglovkin. Carried
New Business: Zoning Administrator Report – LU (Land Use Permit) FC (Field Check) AC (Attorney Contact) PC (Public Contact) ZV (Zoning Violation)
February 2023: LU 0, FC 0, AC 0, PC 9, ZV 0 (from Board meeting reports)
March 2023: LU 3, FC 1, AC 0, PC 9, ZV 0 (from Board meeting reports)
April 2023: LU 4, FC 2, AC 0, PC 5, ZV 0
Discussion of uses allowed in Agricultural District
Old Business: Master Plan survey data shared. Robbins will group comments by topic and what is part of the governing from the zoning aspect and distribute thru mail. Members will review the data and compare it with current master plan goals so they can be adjusted to incorporate changes in the public’s desire for growth in Helena Township.
Robbins distributed update of topics to be discussed for possible ordinance language change.
Discussion on accessory structure size restriction.
Motion by Gurr with support by Schafer. Motion carried to change zoning language as follows:
Section 5.01.01.C.2.c—strike this statement restricting size of accessory buildings and structures.
Additional language change discussion concerning use of shoreline greenbelt protection buffer. Robbins will bring information of discussed changes for review at the June 1st meeting.
Logee shared language change suggestions for future meeting review.
Public Comment: None
Adjourn: 6:40 P.M. by call of chair.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Robbins
Helena Township Planning Commission Recording Secretary