Helena Township Planning Commission
November 3, 2016
Gurr called meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
Opened with Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Present: Jim Gurr Bonnie Robbins
Mike Robinson Bob Johnson
Absent: Rodger Dewey Ken Renaud
Chris Dewald
Township officials present: Molby
Approval of Agenda: Motion: Johnson, 2nd: Robbins. Carried
Statement of Conflict of Interest: None
Approval of Minutes: As presented. Motion: Robinson, 2nd Johnson. Carried
Public Comment: 3 present. None
Communications: Robbins distributed a record of meeting attendance from Dec. 2015 to October 2016. The record will be updated to include this meeting and submitted to the township clerk for payment.
New Business:
Oct 2016:
Land Use 5, Field Checks 8, Attorney Contacts 0, Public Contacts 14, Zoning Violations 0
Discussion with Mr. Molby on permit for woodworking shop in R1 District. This will be discussed at a future meeting when the applicant is able to attend.
Discussion of application for alcohol sale at downtown business. This will be discussed at a future meeting when business owner is able to attend.
Old Business:
No old business. Robbins reported the proposed changes to the zoning ordinance would be presented at the November 10 Board of Trustee meeting for approval.
Public Comment: Robbins will ask Supervisor Teague to appoint two new planning commission members. Resignation accepted from Johnson and Dewey. Gurr talked with Dewey and thanked him for his time on the commission. Members present thanked Johnson for his time on the commission.
Adjourn: 7:32 p.m. Motion Johnson, 2nd Robinson. Carried
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Robbins, Helena Township Planning Commission Recording Secretary