Minutes of Helena Township Planning Commission
November 6, 2013
Meeting called to order by Johnson at 7:00 p.m.
Opened with Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Present: Bob Johnson Jim Gurr
Chris Dewald Bonnie Robbins
Absent: Mike Robinson Jim Swan
Roger Dewey
Township officials present: Guy Molby David Peterson
Approval of Agenda: Motion: Robbins, 2nd Dewald. Carried
Statement of Conflict of Interest: None
Approval of Minutes: As submitted. Motion: Dewald, 2nd Johnson. Carried
Public Comment: Five in attendance. No comments.
Communications: Gurr gave an update of the progress with the upcoming Township Association meeting in January. Members wishing to attend need to contact the township clerk to register.
New Business:
Walker Shores Preliminary Review:
Brian Rawley of Gordie Frasier briefly explained changes made to the development plan and stated they plan a more detailed presentation at the next planning commission meeting. Rawley explained the permitting process took longer than expected with the earlier application but they feel they have that taken care of and can move forward toward a public hearing.
Rawley: The site condo development will have 12 single family homes. Homes will have individual wells and septic tanks with a community drainfield located on the east side of East Torch Lake Drive. Moving the drainfield and eliminating one unit allows for four bedroom homes. Permit is in place for the driveway. County Health Department application is ready to be submitted. The wetland permit is still in place. They reconfigured the stormwater runoff basin to handle the runoff in sensitive area. They anticipate having permits in place by final approval. Township declined ownership of drainfield on the previous application. Owner has approved funds for maintenance of the system.
Gurr: Developer understands this application is starting from the ground up.
Peterson: Developer should provide a copy of the existing wetlands permit to the planning commission.
Rawley stated they would do that.
Rawley: Hoping to have application ready for review at December meeting so they can schedule a public hearing and move forward with this project.
ZA report
Oct 2013 4 land use, 17 field checks, 0 attorney contact, 21 other public contacts, 0 violations.
Molby: The Zoning Board of Appeals will have a meeting December 11 to review a variance request.
Old Business: Discussion of recommendation of language change from township legal counsel. Johnson stated we need to include a statement that a roadway does not negate contiguity of parcels. Motion by Johnson to set Public Hearing for the December 4, 2013 meeting of the commission. Support by Robbins. Motion carried.
Discussion of the recommendation of Zoning Board of Appeals ByLaws language change from township legal counsel. This change will be presented to the township board for action.
Public Comment: None.
Adjourn: 7:37 p.m. Motion Dewald, 2nd Johnson. Carried
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Robbins
Helena Township Planning Commission Recording Secretary