October 07, 2015
Gurr called meeting to order at 7:12 pm
Opened with Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Present: Jim Gurr Bob Johnson
Ken Renaud Rodger Dewey
Bonnie Robbins
Absent: Mike Robinson Chris Dewald
Township officials present: Guy Molby,
Approval of Agenda: Motion: Robbins, 2nd Johnson, approved with Communication needs discussion under New Business.
Statement of Conflict of Interest: None
Approval of Minutes: One change. Motion: Renaud, 2nd Johnson. Carried
Public Comment: 1 present. No comment. Given extra copy of master plan to review with members.
Communications: None.
Old Business:
Master Plan Review: 11 page document dated effective January 1, 2010 revised to date as follows:
Pg 1: add 2009 and 2016 (anticipated public hearing after January 1, 2016).
Pg 3: rearrange existing paragraphs to group shoreline protection concerns.
Strike heading of Specific Policy Recommendations and following sentence.
Pg 5: Road Repairs. Restructure 1st sentence to read: The ten-year 0.75 mil property tax of 2002 has been renewed.
Pg 7: Goals and Objectives: Strike sentence beginning Near future Create a plan business zones.
Change library to Alden District Library
Pg 9: South End Commercial: Strike Suggestions bullets.
Correct spelling error in D. under Schools
Pg 11: Public Access Sites: Strike is deed restricted under Ball Diamond.
Farmland: Change lll to read There may be a need to allow clustering rural character of the township.
Pg 12: Change 2nd paragraph under Residential Development. Sentence should read The Environmental zone may (replace should) wildlife corridors.
Pg 13: Shoreline Residential: Keep first statement. Strike remainder.
Home Sizes: Strike first paragraph.
Economics: Strike III. Change A. under IV. resort and tourist business is typical.
Pg 14: Economics: Change F Encourage development plans to conserve open space
Parks & Rec: Strike statement under ball diamond.
Strike Harbor expansion language. Change bullet to Alden Safe Harbor.
Roads: Strike A. Strike private road reference under F.
Pg 15: Roads: Correct spelling error in H.
End I at planned for paving.
Access Management: Bullet A planned function of the roads.
Paragraph following bullet E. change must implement to should consider
Strike last sentence of that paragraph.
Change The Plan to points to be considered. Strike last three paragraphs.
Pg 16: Functional Roads. Under B. end 1. At local roads.
Strike all vehicle count figures. Strike C. under connector roads Strike NOTE:
New Business:
ZA report
Sept 2015: Land Use 5, Field Checks 15, Attorney Contacts 0 , Public Contacts 01 , Zoning Violations 0
Communications needs. Dewey would like to make sure all member have access to email for notification of meeting. Request Robbins take this to the township board for discussion.
Public Comment: none
Adjourn: Motion Johnson, 2nd Renaud. Carried
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Robbins
Helena Township Planning Commission Recording Secretary