Township Board Minutes – April 8, 2010

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Helena Township Board Meeting

April 8, 2010


The meeting was called to order at 7pm by Supervisor Wagner, pledge of allegiance        was said.  Present: Rice, Peterson, Wagner, Gurr, Teague.  Audience: 5.


Motion to approve agenda with changes by Teague, support Gurr, motion carried.


     Public Comment: None


Speakers: Jeff Cook from Miller @ Cook, LLP certified public accountants

reviewed his letter to the board reporting the results of his review of the cash balances

of the Township’s cash accounts.  This review had been requested by the board in

conjunction with the appointment of  the new Township clerk; David Peterson  Feb.

15th, 2010.  Based upon the bank reconciliation and analysis, there were no observable

transactions or bank account activity indicative of misappropriation of funds by a

Township official.


Motion by Gurr, support by Teague to approve March minutes with changes,

motion carried.


Treasurer’s report: Library beginning balance as of Mar.1, 2010  $94,534.70

Receipts       $2,376.06

Disbursements         $9,288.75

Bank balance as of 03/31/10     $87,622.01

C.D.’s $46,417.12 (12 month) & 15,525.72 (3 month)

Total of Assets $149,564.85


Township beginning balance $457,760.26

Receipts                   $34,579.23

General Fund Disbursements   $22,689.41

Cemetery                       $587.60

Building                      $8,767.77

Total Disbursements               $146,384.12

            Ending balance as of 03/31/10    $345,955.37


Motion to approve treasurer’s report by Wagner, support Gurr, motion carried.


     Presentation of bills: Township March 1-31, 2010 $110,191.30 *

* (includes road millage payment of $66,979.20

April 1-8, 2010   $1,109.48

Library no report


Communications: Sheriff’s report.  Spring clean up scheduled for June 12th at the

Alden Depot 8:00 AM until noon.  Tim Fox and ZBA requested determination of any

use permits being issued before 2006. Fox requested that two additional persons be     appointed to ZBA as alternates.  Fox asked if the questions asked by the attorney can     be modified.  Fox asked if ZBA members could be paid for training from Bzdok.  Motion made by Rice, support Wagner and motion passed.



Committee reports: Zoning administrator Molby reported 3 land use permits.


Ambulance authority:  Rick Teague updated; annual budget approved by the ambulance authority.  Possible new location to house ambulances in Mancelona discussed.


Planning Commission: Jim Gurr reported no action taken on proposed ORV Alden Road Closure draft and the Wind Turbine Ordinance draft.  Proposed joint meeting of Planning Commission and Township Board in order to facilitate discussions of the two proposed ordinances.


Old business: Rice informed board that county will purchase new computers and provide training.  Township will purchase  BS&A programs/software, updates and printers.  Peterson made the motion to have the Township truck repaired in the amount not to exceed $1000.00.  Rice seconded the motion with subsequent unanimous approval by the board.  Peterson received copy of resolution from Antrim County road commission to update their files.  Resolution accepting jurisdiction of road ending by Helena Township.  “By its resolution 7 of 2000, dated June 20th, 2000, the Antrim County Board of Road Commissioners relinquished jurisdiction to the Township over the following 13 described road that ends at a lake, pursuant to MCL 224.18 (8).


Resolution #040819 offered by Rice for Helena Township accepting the jurisdiction of road ending from the Antrim County road commission and seconded by Wagner.  Roll call vote: Rice – yes, Peterson – yes, Wagner – yes, Gurr – yes, and Teague – yes.


New Business:  Peterson to present list of Township projects for discussion at next



Announcements: MTA meeting April 27th at Forest Home Township Hall.


Additional public comment: Guy Molby discussed details of Clam Lake Access drawings and Township board has decided to cease its legal activities and will inform Clam Lake property owner.


Motion to pay bills by Wagner, support Gurr, motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,


David G. Peterson Jr.

Helena Township Clerk