Township Board Minutes – February 11, 2016

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Helena Township Board Meeting



Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Rick Teague.  Present: Catherine Rice, Rick Teague, Butch Bartz, Bonnie Robbins and David Peterson.  Motion to approve agenda by Robbins supported by Bartz.

Conflict of Interest: None.

Public Comment: None

Approval of Minutes: Motion by Robbins, supported by Teague and motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:  Beginning balance:  $370,408.13

                                      Receipts:                   $88,090.84

                                      Disbursed:                 $23,479.55

                                      Balance:                  $435,019.42

Motion to approve Treasurer’s report by Teague, supported by Robbins and motion carried.

Presentation of Bills:  Jan. 1-31; $13,976.64 and Feb. 1-11; $10,197.75

Speakers: None

Communications: Teague presented a request for an alternate member; Brad McArtor, for the board of review.  Rice made the motion to appoint Brad McArtor as the alternate member to the board of review with support from Bartz and the motion carried.

There is a planning and zoning essentials workshop March 10th in Gaylord.

There is  a planners education network for new urban communities in Michigan.

Zoning: January report given by Guy Molby.

Planning Commission: Robbins reported that the Planning Commission approved the Master Plan draft with revisions and sent it to the board for approval.  Robbins made the motion to approve the Master Plan with revisions with support by Teague and the motion passed.  Request made to change PC meeting day from the first Wednesday of each month to the first Thursday of each month.  Rice made the motion to change the day from the first Wednesday to the first Thursday for the planning commission meeting with support from Robbins and the motion carried.  Change to be made to township web site by deputy clerk.

Ambulance Authority: Teague reported a new membership program; the Advantage Program, which starts April 1st, $75.00 per person, $85.00 per couple, and $15.00 for each dependent residing.

Parks & Rec:  Steve Dell reviewed the DNR grant agreement and the lowest bid for resurfacing the tennis courts is $34,980.00 from Tennis Courts Unlimited and the construction of an ADA compliant walkway from Goddard Coatings Co. for $4000.00.  Total project cost is $38,980.00 and total project budget is $38,700.00 with an amount of $280.00 over budget.  Teague made the motion to accept the two bids recommended by Parks & Rec in the amount of $38,980.00 with support from Bartz and the motion carried.  A net, racquets and ball were donated to the community center for pickleball and a request to paint pickelball lines in the gym was made.  Teague made the motion to approve painting lines for pickelball in the gym and supported by Robbins and the motion was approved.

Clerk presented board with a use agreement for the ball park park.  Teague made the motion to accept the new ball park park use agreement with support from Robbins and the motion passed.

Roads: No report.

Old Business: None

New Business: Clerk presented estimate from Springfield Inc. for the installation of scupper collection boxes on the upper roof of the community center with a self-regulating heating cable for $7,734.00.  Teague made the motion to approve the estimate for $7,734.00 supported by Robbins and the motion carried.

Announcements: None

Additional Public Comment:  Jim Gurr thanked Steve Dell and Ruth Smith for all of their work on the DNR Grant for resurfacing the tennis courts.  Dorothy Clore thanked the board for their support for pickelball.

Motion to pay bills by Teague, supported by Robbins and motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:43 PM.

Helena Township Clerk; David G. Peterson Jr.