Helena Township Board Meeting
July 10, 2014
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance by Supervisor Rick Teague. Present: Catherine Rice,and Bonnie Robbins. Butch Bartz, and David Peterson absent. Motion to approve agenda by Robbins with support by Rice and motion carried.
Conflict of Interest: None
Public Comment: Resident of Paige Road asked for update on state of repair plan for Paige Road. Residents can hardly get up hill coming off East Torch lake Drive when it is muddy. Deep ruts are created and wanted to know if they ever grade. Teague explained that grading is for the road commission to decide. Resident has attempted to reach road commissioner and has been unsuccessful. Sheriff Dan Bean reported staff promotions, changes, openings and brief summary written report showing increase in calls for 2014. Fourth of July sandbar citation numbers were up. Not having fireworks this year didnt affect the number of incidents involving fireworks use. Bean believes the conflict with being able to have fireworks should be resolved for next year.
Township mooring ordinance is being reviewed by the county prosecutor. Township will contract with Antrim County Sheriff to enforce ordinance at a cost of two hundred dollars per year with annual review and renewal of contract. Motion by Rice with support by Robbins to contract with the Antrim County Sheriff to enforce ordinance at a cost of two hundred dollars per year with annual review and renewal of contract and motion carried.
Teague asked if the county is looking at a noise ordinance. Bean reported a fireworks noise ordinance has been discussed. It is difficult to determine language and the scope of the ordinance. Discussion of setting a block of time when they would not be allowed and not based on decibel level. Discussion that existing code allows fireworks for a three day period if it is a national holiday.
Approval of minutes: Motion by Robbins with support by Teague to approve Junes budget hearing meeting minutes and motion carried. Motion by Teague with support by Rice to approve Junes township board meeting minutes and motion carried.
Treasurers Report: Township: Beginning balance as of June 30, 2014 $520,517.78
Receipts $63,170.47
Disbursements $36,218.74
Bank balance 06/30/14 $547,469.51
Rice clarified math error in projected expense figures presented by the clerk at the June budget hearing. Final expense figures for the year have been corrected and are included in tonights reports. Proposed receipts and expenses through June, 2014 are $542,823.00. Motion to approve the Treasurers report by Teague with support by Robbins and motion carried.
Presentation of bills: Rice presented Petersons report for township disbursements for June 1-30, 2014 – $26,746.35 and July 1-10, 2014 $3,074.69.
Speakers: None
Communications: Letter from resident concerning fireworks noise.
Committee Reports:
Zoning – Zoning Administrator Molby gave report for June. Teague asked Molby if a report had been written about the greenbelt infraction. Molby directed to write report and work directly with Kate Redman to address the issue.
Planning Commission Members established time to attend subcommittee site plan review for Walker Shores Development. Committee will be Mike Robinson, Jim Gurr, and Bob Johnson. Meeting is scheduled for 5:00 PM. It is hoped this will be the final subcommittee review and project will be ready for scheduling a special use permit public hearing next month.
Planning Commission will post notice within the community of master plan review discussion to begin with August planning commission meeting. Goal is to review plan and align with zoning concerns we have been identifying since adoption of revised ordinance.
Planning Commission was informed a member will be leaving. Request the township post notice for persons interested to notify the office. Would like to have a pool of interested residents. Currently one letter of interest from former member and seated commission would welcome them back but would like to let the public know so others can have the opportunity to submit letters of interest. Teague stated they can post information but cant appoint a new member until someone resigns.
Ambulance Authority Teague reported the millage will be on the August 5th primary ballot and asked for support.
Parks and Recreation Committee
Roads Teague reported for Bartz. Committee discussed the funds left after the North Lake Street repaving and the need to hold off on planning additional work until more millage funds are available. Discussion continues with the road commission to make improvements. Teague has received positive comments on the N. Street repaving.
Old Business: Discussion of work outlined in 5-year plan and work completed so far. Board has included air conditioning of the community center in the plan. Rice stated that the rental of the community center increases during cooler weather. The air conditioning should help increase rentals during the summer. The cost for the air conditioning of the community center is $47,225.00 for equipment with an additional $10,960.00 to upgrade the electrical. Motion to accept the bid from Clark & Sons Plumbing and heating by Teague with support by Robbins and motion carried. Rice purposed to ask the Alden District Library to contribute a portion of the costs. Rice to send letter to the library.
New Business: None
Announcements: Teague attended a meeting about Disaster Planning at the county. Additional meetings will be held. Rice stated the community center had been designated for Red Cross use in the past. Teague has not seen any correspondence to that effect. Will look into it further. The community center has no backup generator for use during power failures.
Additional Public comment: Another Paige Road resident reported he is disabled and has fallen in the ruts and had to have assistance to get back to his home.
Paige Road residents also asked about not having picnic tables or garbage barrel at the access. Teague explained the ruling on road end use and someone using the barrel for personal household garbage. Resident stated he has picked up trash but is concerned about a pipe that has been left at the access.
Resident suggested township board be cautious approving large expenditures without full board representation. Questions if amount requires a roll call vote. Teague explained this had been discussed for quite a while and absent members had voiced support or it would not have been presented. Vote did not need to be a roll call vote. Resident also mentioned that the county road commission will probably put afton stone on Paige Road and not pave the hill because of concern of cars sliding onto East Torch Lake Drive during the winter. Resident thanks the board members for their work.
Motion to pay bills: Teague made the motion to pay the bills with support by Rice and motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned by call of the Chair at 7:52 PM.
Respectfully submitted, David G. Peterson Jr., Helena Township Clerk_ David G. Peterson Jr.