Township Board Minutes – June 17th, 2015 (Special Meeting)
JUNE 17TH, 10:00 AM
Meeting was called to order by supervisor Rick Teague. In attendance; Cathy Rice, David Peterson, Bonnie Robbins, and Butch Bartz. The STLFD (South Torch Lake Fire Department) special assessment budget hearing was opened by Teague. Public comment by Doug Davis in favor of the increased millage. The chair closed the STLFD public budget hearing at 10:07.
The Helena Township Public Budget hearing was opened at 10:07. Teague reviewed proposed 2015-2016 budget. No comments. The chair closed the Helena Township public budget hearing at 10:10 AM.
The chair opened the Helena Township budget meeting at 10:10 AM. Teague presented resolution 61715B; Be it resolved that at a Special Budget hearing, held on June 17th at 10 AM, at the Helena Township Community Center, 8751 Helena Road, Alden, MI. 49612, the Helena Township Board approved the presented budget from the South Torch Lake Fire District in the amount of $422,877.14, (see attached budget), which would increase the millage rate from 1.5 mills to 3.0 mills for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016. Teague made the motion to adopt resolution 61715B with support by Bartz and a roll call vote by the chair; Rice yes, Peterson yes, Bartz yes, Robbins yes and Teague yes.
Teague presented resolution 61715C; Be it resolved that at a Special Budget hearing, held on June 17th, 2015, at 10 AM, at the Helena Township Community Center, 8751 Helena Road, Alden MI. 49612, the Helena Township Board did approve a 2.5% salary increase for the offices of Supervisor, Clerk, Treasurer, two (2) Trustees, Township Assessor, Zoning Administration and Maintenance Supervisor for the fiscal year beginning Jul 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016. Teague made the motion to adopt resolution 61715C with support by Peterson and a roll call vote by the chair; Rice yes, Peterson yes, Bartz yes, Robbins yes and Teague yes.
Teague presented resolution 61715A; Be it resolved that at a Special Budget hearing, held on June 17th, 2015, at 10 AM, at the Helena Township Community Center, 8751 Helena Road, Alden MI. 49612, the Helena Township Board tentatively approved the presented budget for Helena Township in the amount of $576,775.00 (see attached budget), for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016, tentative to adjustments in receipts, expenses and carry over for the month of June 2015, to be reviewed, approved and entered into the minutes at the July 2015 regularly scheduled meeting of the Helena Township Board. Rice made the motion to adopt resolution 61715A with support by Teague and a roll call by the chair: Rice yes, Peterson yes, Bartz yes, Robbins yes and Teague yes.
Meeting closed at 10:18 Am by call of the chair.
Respectively, David G. Peterson Jr./Helena Township Clerk