Township Board Minutes – November 8, 2012
Helena Township Board Meeting
November 8, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Penny Wagner and the pledge of allegiance was said. Present: Wagner, Peterson, Rice, Gurr, and Teague. Motion to approve agenda with changes by Gurr with support by Teague; motion carried.
Conflict of Interest: None
Public Comment: Mary Ann Stimpson, North Cemetery Road resident, spoke about the adverse road conditions after rain due to all of the clay previously applied by the county road commission. Residents are requesting again some remedial maintenance be done to alleviate the adverse road conditions on North Cemetery Road.
Approval of Minutes: Teague made motion with support from Wagner; motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Township beginning balance as of October 1, 2012 $231,820.15
Receipts $16,747.14
General Fund Disbursements $16,970.64
Cemetery & Bldg. $2,989.79
Total Disbursements $19,960.43
12 month CD (Roads) $70,000.00
Total Bank Balance as of October 31, 2012 $228,606.86
Motion to approve treasurer’s report by Wagner with support from Gurr; motion carried.
Presentation of Bills: Township: October 1-31, 2012: $9,944.41 and November 1-8, 2012: $4,921.44.
Speakers: Three Lakes Association presentation to be presented during township’s December’s meeting per their written request.
Communications: Board given copy of sheriff’s report. Letters received from TAAG and yoga gals concerning cleanliness of the rooms used. Snow plow bid/contract for 2012-2013 winter season presented to board by Wagner. Teague made the motion to approve the snowplow contract with support from Gurr and motion passed.
Zoning Administrator: Guy Molby gave report and reviewed by board.
Planning Commission: Gurr spoke about the benefits of attending the Michigan Association of Planning conference also attended by Guy Molby and Bonnie Robbins.
Ambulance Authority: Teague reported that the ambulance authority is still pursuing a backup generator using natural gas.
Parks & Recreation: Ruth Smith reported that the downed trees blocking the Coy Mountain Trail had been removed and thanked the board. Teague and Lane were responsible for the tree removal.
Old Business: None
New Business: Installation of new officers is scheduled for 9:00 AM November 20th, 2012. Rice made the motion to transfer the emergency money approval ($1,000.00) responsibility from Treasurer to the newly elected supervisor Rick Teague with support from Wagner and motion carried.
Announcements: Wagner announced that the street light for Alden Meadows is expected to be installed within another week. Floatation Docks scheduled week of November 12th to move the floating docks for the winter to decrease effects of potential ice damage. Teague reported that a new zone valve is on order and to be installed in the Voter room.
Additional Public Comment: Mary Ann Stimpson raised questions on a disaster plan for Helena Township and where would residents go in the event of a natural disaster. Discussion followed with input from audience member and deputy fire chief; Mike Lee. Rice thanked Penny Wagner for her many years of service to the township and additional comments were made by Jim Gurr, Bonnie Robbins and Butch Bartz Sr. Jim Gurr was also acknowledged for his many years of service to the township. .
Motion To Pay Bills: Wagner made the motion to pay the bills with support from Rice and motion carried.
Adjournment: 7:39 PM.
Respectfully submitted: Helena Township Clerk; David G. Peterson Jr.