Helena Township Board Meeting
September 10, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 7pm by Supervisor Wagner; the pledge of allegiance was said. Present: Rice, Frank, Wagner, Gurr, Teague, audience: 5.
Motions to approve agenda as written by Gurr support Frank, all in favor.
Public comment: P. Sak of FOCL gave the board a report on Clam Lake Watercraft Caring capacity study. Sheriff Bean gave his report and update on ORV.
Motion to approve minutes of the August 13th meeting by Rice; support Gurr, all in favor.
Bills: Township August in addition $ 730.50
Township September $ 15,280.10
Library September $ 8,658.76
Treasurer’s report: Helena Township Public Library:
Beginning balance August 1st $58,959.33
Receipts 731.82
Disbursements 9,875.97
Ending balance August 31st $49,815.18
CD 46,417.12
CD renewed 8/27/09 15,379.41
Total asset availability $111,611.71
Helena Township:
Beginning balance August 1st $296,671.84
Receipts 16,617.57
Disbursements 26,489.73
Ending balance August 31st $286,799.68
Motion to approve treasurer’s report by Teague; support Wagner, all in favor.
Committee reports: Molby gave zoning report and updates, Gurr updated on planning commission, Teague reported on Ambulance Authority.
Old Business: Request to add sand at Elder Road access was looked into and request is denied.
New Business: none.
Additional public comment: J. Bassill, P. Sak
Motion to pay bills by Wagner; support Gurr, all in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 7:35pm.
Respectfully submitted,
V. Ferol Frank,
Helena Township Clerk