Township Board Minutes – September 10, 2015

Helena Township Board Meeting

September 10, 2015


Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Rick Teague.  Present: Catherine Rice, Rick Teague, Butch Bartz.  Absent: Bonnie Robbins and Dave Peterson.  Motion to approve agenda by Bartz, supported by Rice.

Conflict of Interest: None.

Public Comment: Mike Crawford stated the Commissioners have been in discussion concerning recycling in the County.  They will fund it through the end of next year, but not out of the Gen’l Fund.  In the near future, they are looking at townships to impose a surcharge, as the County does not have the authority to do so, and they do not want to go to a County wide millage.

Dan Bean presented the Sheriff’s report—down from last year.  His office hired a patrol officer.  911 dispatcher Steve Barachi is retiring and will need to be replace.  Warned of another fraud concerning the IRS and taxes.  Issued one ticket through the Harbor Ordinance and the ticket was paid. Patty Niepoth, Register of Deeds reported they have a new software program because of a new law from closing on property to registering it is a matter of two days.  If anyone wants to sign up for fraud alert, it is a free service offered where you can be notified if anything with your name on it comes in to their office.

Approval of Minutes: Motion by Rice, supported by Bartz.

 Treasurer’s Report:  Beginning balance: $407,438.49

                                      Receipts:                 $  17,252.23

                                      Disbursed:               $  26,489.46

                                      Balance:                  $398,201.26

Motion to approve Treasurer’s report by Teague, support Bartz.

Presentation of Bills:  Aug 1-31, $16,986.55 and Sept. 1-10, $20,693.87.

Speakers: None.

Communications: None.

Zoning: Report given by Guy Molby.

Planning Commission: Jim Gurr informed the board at the last Planning Comm. meeting they  recommended a special use permit for Adam Wayne (Vista Ridge) for wine tasting, they should have asked the board to make a motion for their approval.  Motion was made by Teague, support Bartz – motion carried.  In the future they will have the special use permit with them to present to the board to discuss.  There are 8 points in the Zoning Ordinance that need to have clarification of language. It was decided that Rick and Dave would meet with Mr. Walker to discuss invoices at an agreed upon time and place.

Ambulance: No updates at this time from representative Teague.

Parks & Rec: Ruth Smith was given a bid for expansion of the pavilion.  They are in the process of receiving bids and working with the Township on the tennis court renewal project. There will be a meeting next Tuesday at 3 (flyers have been circulated) for public input on replacing the light at the end of the pier with one that resembles a lighthouse.

Roads: North Cemetery and Paige from SE Torch Lake Drive to Chapman are still in the prep stage.

Old Business: The 3 roads in the Cemetery have been completed with paving by Ahren’s.

New Business: None.

Announcements: Coy Mtn. has been closed for safety reasons, and tree removal bids are being obtained.

Additional Public Comment: Linda Gallagher stated that she thought the lawyer fees concerning the Walker project seemed excessive and asked if that was to be reimbursed by the Walker Shores Development.


Motion to pay bills by Teague, support Bartz.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm.