Helena Township Board Meeting
September 9, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Wagner and pledge of allegiance was said. Present: Rice, Peterson, Wagner, Gurr, Teague. Audience: 8. Motion to approve agenda by Rice with support by Gurr, motion carried.
Public Comment from Mary Ann Stimpson that roadway next to recycle bins needs to be improved/regraded because of large pot holes.
Approval of minutes: Teague made motion to approve the minutes as written, support from Wagner. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Library beginning balance as of August 31, 2010 $61,223.95
Receipts $4,683.63
Disbursements $9,484.12
Bank balance as of 08/31/10 $56,423.46
Two CD’s; $46,417.12 and $15,614.96
Total 2009 MILLAGE $105,813.56
As of August 31, 2010 Total Assets $118,455.54
Township beginning balance as August 31,2010 $247,187.04
Receipts $11,963.17
General Fund Disbursements $20,175.84
Cemetery $876.08
Building $4,373.10
Total Disbursements $25,425.02
TOTAL BANK BALANCE AS OF AUGUST 31, 2010 $233,725.19
ROAD CD $50,000.00
TOTAL ASSETS AS OF AUGUST 31, 2010 $283,725.19
Motion to approve treasurer’s report by Wagner, support Gurr, motion carried.
Presentation of bills: Township August 1-31, 2010: $14,520.84 and September 1-8, 2010: $1,705.72. No report from STL Fire and library.
Speakers: None
Communications: Sheriff’s report. County treasurer requesting township support in favor of electronic tax rolls. Rice made motion for Helena Township board to adopt resolution 9910 with support by Wagner and roll call vote with Wagner aye, Peterson aye, Gurr aye, Teague aye, and Rice aye. Resolution 9910 adopted by the Helena Township board.
Committee reports: Zoning administrator Molby reported seven land use permits issued for August and two zoning violations. Rice reported that she and Guy Molby observed piles of broken concrete, camper tops, and wood that should be removed from Pixley property. Molby to talk with Pixley.
Planning Commission: Jim Swan reported that there was no quorum for the special joint meeting with the Planning Commission and the Helena Township board on September first. Both boards are to put together a list of additional comments, updates, amendments and any proposed changes to the zoning ordinance for the next planning commission meeting in October. Zoning ordinance to be reviewed by the planning commission over the winter.
Ambulance authority: Rick Teague updated that the ambulance authority was soliciting bids for the renovation of the old Mancelona fire hall and expect bid process to be completed within 30 to 45 days.
Old business: Peterson reported to board that he walked township properties and road end/public accesses with surveyor from Ferguson and Chamberlain in Charlevoix. Peterson to submit list of Helena Township properties and the 13 road end/public accesses to Ferguson and Chamberlain for an estimate for surveying and resurveying in order to have concrete monuments erected at the corners of the properties.
PATL request for funding projects at Thayer Lake was discussed and the board decided to have the clerk send a letter to Don Venburg at PATL letting them know that the township board would not be granting any funding at this time.
Letter sent to Bellaire Rotary/Steve Kershner for possible grant money to update protective fencing for the dugouts and improvements to the driveway. Improvements to the driveway estimated to be $1050.00 at the ballpark.
Peterson presented bid from Tri-County Sand and Stone for repairing roadway around back of building next to recycle bins. Discussion followed and motion by Rice with support from Teague to approve bid and motion passed.
Peterson presented bid form Great Lakes Striping and Sealing, Inc. for filling cracks, resealing and striping parking spaces for the parking lot at the Community Center. Discussion followed and the board agreed to having the cracks filled now and the resealing and striping to be done in the spring.
Peterson presented bids from Todd’s Tree Service for tree pruning, tree removal and stump grinding at the Tennis Court Park, Depot Park, the Community Center, and the cemetery.
Board decided to discuss at the next township board meeting in October.
New Business: Planning commission has been unable to have a quorum several times and has asked the Helena Township board to reduce its members from 9 to 7. Wagner made motion to reduce the number of members of the Planning Commission from 9 members to 7 members with support from Teague. Motion passed.
Jamie Wade, project engineer, from Gourdie-Fraser updated board on incurred expenses for revisions to the initial dock design and type per township requests including extensive additional details per multiple MDNR Waterway reviews. Additional incurred expenses for revisions to Joint permit Application per MDNR Waterways comments. The total estimated fee for these services is $10,808.39. Jamie Wade to speak with Jordan Byelich at MDNR Waterways to discuss these additional incurred expenses.
Request from Chain O’Lakes Internet to place equipment on roof of Community Center in order to gain additional customers. They have offered $5.00 discount from township internet bill per month. Discussion to request free service for use of township property. Wagner will follow up with COLI.
Announcements: Peterson reported an omitted motion from the August meeting was the motion by Teague for the purchase of a fire rated horizontal file cabinet for permanent record storage and storage of ballots for elections not to exceed $3500.00. Motion was supported by Rice and motion passed.
Additional Public Comment: Jennifer Swan distributed letter to board members proposing abandoning the Helena Township zoning ordinance and dissolving the planning commission, zoning board of appeals, and dismissing the zoning administrator.
Motion to pay bills by Gurr, support Teague, and motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:34 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Helena Township Clerk
David G. Peterson Jr.