Helena Township Planning Commission
April 06, 2017
Gurr called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Opened with Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Present: Jim Gurr Bonnie Robbins
Chris Dewald Mike Robinson
Ken Renaud Laura Westerman
Joe Basil
Township officials present: Bob Logee
Approval of Agenda: Motion: Robbins, with addition of House Boat discussion under New Business. 2nd: Dewald. Carried
Statement of Conflict of Interest: None
Approval of Minutes: As presented. Motion: Westerman with name spelling correction (Bassil), 2nd Dewald. Carried
Public Comment: None
Communications: Networks Northwest Summit in Traverse City on April 7th.
New Business:
No Zoning Admin. Report presented. Discussion of zoning ordinance with Logee and list of language additions or clarifications to improve current ordinance. Planning commission will start a working list and will address language for future update of ordinance.
Discussion of need for language addressing house boat use in Helena Township. Ordinance addresses shoreline development. Members question if township can regulate what type of boat can use the public waterways.
Discussion of amending current language to address boat houses in a clear statement. This will be added to the update of ordinance.
Old Business:
Robbins distributed copies of language on R1 re-zoning on East Torch Lake Drive.
Discussion with Logee on allowed use in Ag. District.
Discussion of amending current accessory building definition to address boat houses.
Public Comment: Westerman shared concern of open loop geothermal systems. Gurr and Westerman will research to determine if language might be needed in the ordinance to address these systems.
Gurr discovered a letter from the Antrim County Planning Commission concerning the Open Space amendment to the ordinance. He will bring it so it can be reviewed and discussed to determine if this section should be updated
Adjourn: Motion Dewald, 2nd Robbins. Carried
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Robbins, Helena Township Planning Commission Recording Secretary