Parks and Rec June 2018 Minutes

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Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 06/06/2018

Meeting time is 7:00 9:00 pm on the first Wednesday of the month.

In attendance: Jim Gurr, Bonnie Robbins, Jan Loveland, Ruth Smith, & Laura Westerman. Absent: Steve Dell & Jeanne Peeples

Others in attendance: No others

1. Community input none No one came or presented ideas concerning the Five Yr. P&R Plan.

2. Minutes from 5/02/2018 meeting (Ruth). Approved as presented & will be published on the HT website.

3. Information from monthly Helena Twp. Mtg. (Bonnie/Jim/Ruth). The defibrillator has been returned to the factory for repairs. Bonnie

is trying to follow up on this. The Township Ambulance Authority is in the process of becoming better organized to meet all regulatory

standards for equipment, procedure and paperwork.


4. Update on GTRLC/Helena Twp. Coy Mtn project. Steve Dell is working with Steve Lagerquist to prepare an MOU acceptable

to HT and The Conservancy. It is believed that the final document is now waiting for signatures. Dean Crandell will schedule a start

date when the MOU is completed.

5. HT Parks Community Survey and revision of our 5-year plan. (Steve/Ruth/Jan/Jim/Bonnie/Laura)

Assignments for chapter revisions:

Community Description: Jim Completed and approved

Administrative Structure: Bonnie Completed and approved

Inventory of parks…etc.: Ruth/Jan/Laura Completed and approved

Previous Grant Assisted Parks: Steve

Resource Inventory: Steve Completed and approved

Description of Planning…etc.: Bonnie Completed and approved

Goals, Objectives…etc.: Ruth/Steve Completed and approved

Plan Certification Checklist: Steve

Create database for respondents

who requested contact: Jan/Ruth Completed and approved

On May 7th Email or Snail Mail information concerning the Five Yr. Plan was sent to those requesting future contact of some type.

Time Frames:

(Completed) July 1 July 31: Monkey Survey to get public input. Also, newspapers, flyers, postcards.

(Completed) August: Public meeting to get input on survey results. Coop Extension will help.

Meet with other groups (DABA, AV, etc.) to discuss results and get input.

(Completed) Sept April: Complete “Recreation and Natural Resources Plan”

(Completed) April: Review Plan and vote on approval

(Completed) April–June: Notify public of 30+ days for public to review plan and submit comments.

Also notify public that a public hearing will be held on June 6 at regular

HT Parks and Recreation meeting to get final input on plan.

(Completed) June: Approved the plan at regular P&R meeting. There was no further public input

on the plan. Revisions were not needed.

July: Present completed plan to HT Board for review and approval.

July: Submit approved plan to DNR.


6. Open House for Tennis Courts per DNR grant obligations. (Steve/Ruth)

This is still in the works. Date for PB tournament / Open houseribbon cutting event is Aug. 25th

7. FOCUS Fund Endowment Grant Application (Ruth & Laura)

HT was awarded a FOCUS Fund grant in the amount of $2,500.00

8. The previously approved Hold Harmless form was distributed. Dave Peterson did agree to removing the verbiage:

defend, pay on behalf of as requested by the Pk. & Rec. Committee.

9. Get a copy of HT surveys that have been completed for the P&R Resource book (Ruth ) Move to future agenda items for

Sept. agenda

The next monthly meeting is scheduled for: Wednesday, July 4th, 2018

at 7pm in the meeting room at the Community Bldg.

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith 06/012/2018