Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 07/11/2018 pg. 1
In attendance: Steve Dell, Jim Gurr, Jan Loveland, Ruth Smith, & Laura Westerman.
Absent: Jeanne Peeples & Bonnie Robbins.
1. Community input – The concern of boats mooring at the Parks and road endings as well as placement of the
swim buoys was brought to a committee member before the meeting. The Helena Township Board is aware
of the issue of mooring at HT Parks. The Committee did discuss the possibility of more permanent buoys and
will further discuss this before next spring. Also see New Business item 8.
2. Minutes from 6/06/2018 meeting (Ruth). Approved as presented & will be published on the HT website.
3. Information from 6/14/2018 monthly Helena Twp. Mtg. (Bonnie/Jim/Ruth
Nothing was discussed that needs to be addressed by the P&R Committee.
4. Update on GTRLC/Helena Twp. Coy Mtn project. The MOU has been signed by the Grand Traverse Regional
Land Conservancy and the request has been made that they return the signed form to the HT supervisor.
5. HT Parks Community Survey and revision of our 5-year plan. (Steve/Ruth/Jan/Jim/Bonnie/Laura)
Assignments for chapter revisions:
Community Description: Jim Completed and approved
Administrative Structure: Bonnie Completed and approved
Inventory of parks…etc.: Ruth/Jan/Laura Completed and approved
Previous Grant Assisted Parks: Steve Meeting with Rick to complete
Resource Inventory: Steve Completed and approved
Description of Planning…etc.: Bonnie Completed and approved
Goals, Objectives…etc.: Ruth/Steve Completed and approved
Plan Certification Checklist: Steve Will be presented at the 7-12 HT Board Meeting.
Create database for respondents
who requested contact: Jan/Ruth Completed and approved
Email / snail mail was sent to those requesting future contact of some type. No response to that contact.
Time Frames:
(Completed) July 1 – July 31: Monkey Survey to get public input. Also, newspapers, flyers, postcards.
(Completed) August: Public meeting to get input on survey results. Coop Extension will help.
Meet with other groups (DABA, AV, etc.) to discuss results and get input.
(Completed) Sept – April: Complete “Recreation and Natural Resources Plan”
(Completed) April: Review Plan and vote on approval
(Completed) April–June: Notify public of 30+ days for public to review plan and submit comments.
Also notify public that a public hearing will be held on June 6 at regular
HT Parks and Recreation meeting to get final input on plan.
(Completed) June: Consider approval of plan at regular P&R meeting and at same meeting get public
input on the plan. If revisions are needed, schedule a special meeting to approve
the plan once it is completed.
June-July: Present completed plan to HT Board for review and approval. To be done 7/12/2018.
July: Submit approved plan to DNR.
Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 07/11/2018 continued DRAFT pg. 2
6. Open House for Tennis Courts per DNR grant obligations. Jan has agreed to plan & publicize the
ribbon cutting which will take place on Sat., Aug. 25th, at 10:30AM.
7. FOCUS Fund Endowment Grant Application (Ruth & Laura)
The Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation is requesting pictures and a description of
how their grant monies will impact the Coy Mt. Trail project and our community. Laura Westerman
has agreed to take on this project.
8. No smoking policy for our parks. (Ruth). A community member asked that we recommend to the HT
Board that there be no smoking in our parks. The Committee discussed the pros and cons of such a policy
and will notify the HT Board that we discussed the issue and do not plan to do anything further unless the
Board directs us to do so.
9. Budget: For March / April next year – prepare a budget to present to the HT board to be included in their
July 2019 – June 2020 budget. This item is to be moved to the future agenda items to be discussed in
March 2019.
10. Decide what Twp. Roads would be the best for a bicycle route. Look at the entire county (see master
plan) Steve has done some research on what roads are most used and will continue to look into
this. This item will be moved to Old business for the August meeting.
11. Erosion Abatement Project at Ball Park. Review with 2nd bid –We briefly discussed this item. Ruth &
Steve will talk with Heidi Schaffer, Antrim County Soil Erosion Officer, to get a better idea of what is
involved and her perspective on whether the project needs to get done or if it is alright to let nature take its
course. It will be moved to the future agenda items to be reviewed in September.
12. Memorial donations to Helena Township – there was discussion and it was decided that as this is not
a pressing item it will be put back on future agenda items to be discussed in November.
13. The possibility of a tri-fold brochure and some ‘high–tech’ chips telling about our Parks and community
events was discussed. This will be put on future agenda items to be discussed in September.
The next monthly meeting is scheduled for: Wednesday, August 1st, 2018
at 7pm in the meeting room at the Community Bldg.
Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith 07/21/2018