Parks and Recreation Meeting-April 18, 2012
4-6 PM at the Alden Community Center
In attendance:
Steve Dell, Carolyn Nowfel, Dave Peterson & Ruth Smith
Mike Crawford & Casey McDowell
The wood chips that have been duped in the parking lot at Coy Mountain Reserve were discussed. This is a problem because no on obtained permission from the Township to dump them and the wood chips take up a large portion of the parking space. Dave stated that he plans to bring this problem before the Township Board at the next meeting. It was felt by most P & R members that it would be great to be able to use the wood chips if they are needed. Steve Dell offered to move the wood chips behind the fence area if they are to be used at Coy Mountain.
The Coy Mountain Potluck and Garlic Mustard Hunt were discussed. It is planned for Wed., May 9th 12 PM until 3 PM. The idea is to locate the invasive plants and try to “assign’ areas to various people for ongoing attention. Heidi Shaffer, Antrim Conservation District, will be leading this effort.
The Memorandum of Understanding was discussed. When requests for projects on township land come to the Township Board, Dave will refer them to the P & R Committee, either by putting them on the next meeting agenda, or if time is a factor, contacting P & R Committee members so that the issue can be considered before the next scheduled Township meeting. The P & R Committee will evaluate all requests and make a recommendation concerning the request to the Township Board.
Carolyn is to contact persons within the community to see if they have any interest in attending a couple Parks & Recreation meetings. Through participation they could see if it is something to which they would care to give time and energy.
It was suggested that an official document outlining possible improvements for various Township Resources be developed. This would help to insure that the Committee members were in agreement on the recommendations to be made. Priorities could also be agreed upon. The idea is to have a clear understanding and consensus. No action items agreed upon.
There was some discussion of developing P & R policies and procedures. Items such as us of the Memorandum of Understanding and the existing Parks Policies were mentioned.
Since there is no Committee Chair at this time it was agreed that Steve will prepare the Agenda, Ruth will take notes and prepare Minutes, Dave will see to any needed Website Updates and Carolyn will be our Five Year Plan Editor and Typist and also our main Public Relations Liaison.
It was decided that the main focus of the P & R Committee at this time will be to complete the Five Year Plan. In order to move ahead on this project, parts of the plan were “assigned” to Committee members. When work on any portion of the plan is completed it will be emailed to Carolyn who will be in charge of editing and typing the plan.
A change of meeting day / time was discussed but it was decided to leave the meetings at Wed. from 4-6 PM at this time because of conflicts with suggested changes. We will try later to work out a day/time where everyone, including Mike, can attend.
Action Items from the April 18, 2012 Meeting:
Have his tractor ready in case the Township would like to have him move the wood chips.
Five Year Plan:
Decide what census statistics might be needed to enhance an understanding of our P & R plans & priorities.
Update the Recreation Inventory – Properties and Facilities
To contact Krista Tremonti & Havey Bartel concerning attend meetings
Five Year Plan:
To prepare the map and listing of Helena Twn. P & R sites found in Antrim County P & R plan for insertion into the finished Five Year Plan
Will edit and type as information is sent to her.
Assure that COLI is contacted to post 2012 meeting times and add a notice that at the first of each meeting P & R will accept public Comment.
Five Year Plan:
Will work on the Administrative Structure
Create a document that best describes the Parks & Rec. finances
Budget Sources-check to see if something separate is needed under this heading as it may already be included in the Administrative Structure
Be sure that we have the right information about the public lake access sites and public launch sites (part of the Properties and Facilities page)
Communicate with Mike Crawford about the discussion of meeting day/time
Five Year Plan:
Check guide lines & update the Volunteers section of the plan
To contract Grants Management to obtain information on MI Natural Resources Trust Fund Grants that Helena Township has received previously.
Next P & R Meeting is now scheduled for Wed., May 16, 2012 4-6 PM at Comm. Center