Planning Commission Minutes – December 2, 2015

Helena Township Planning Commission

December 2, 2015

Gurr called meeting to order at 7:00 pm

Opened with Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call:                      Present:            Jim Gurr                  Bonnie Robbins

Ken Renaud            Chris Dewald

Absent:                   Mike Robinson  Rodger Dewey

Bob Johnson

Township officials present:                    none

Approval of Agenda:  Motion:  Robbins, 2nd Dewald

Statement of Conflict of Interest:  None           

Approval of Minutes:    Motion:  Dewald, 2nd Renaud.  Carried

Public Comment:         1 present.  Resident has checked sign ordinances in other townships and shared the results.  Concerned about potential for the township to become over populated with flashing signs and light from signs left on after business hours.  Resident would like to see language in the ordinance addressing illuminated signs.

Communications:         Planning commission received an email as follow up to the septic ordinance presentation.  Tip of Mitt Watershed asked if we would attend a presentation to townships in May or early June.  Robbins will notify them representatives from Helena Township would attend.

Old Business: 

Master Plan Review:      Language clarification from Parks and Recreation Committee will be inserted into the document and copies made for the public to review.  Public Hearing will be held with the regular January 6, 2016 meeting.


New Business:

ZA report

Nov 2015:  Land Use 2, Field Checks 10, Attorney Contacts 0, Public Contacts 12,  Zoning Violations 0

Discussion of need for checklist for applicants.  Consensus that a checklist may confuse public due to extensive material requests or not including all material needed for a permit.  Decision to request applicants meet with zoning administrator to discuss needs on a site by site basis.

Public Comment:  Dewald commented on the concern of language regulating signs and feels the township should discuss this issue during the review of the zoning ordinance.


Adjourn:   Motion Renaud, 2nd   Dewald. Carried



Respectfully Submitted,

Bonnie Robbins

Helena Township Planning Commission Recording Secretary