Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 02/16/2016 Approved 3-15-2016
In attendance: Steve Dell, Jim Gurr, Ken Masck, Dave Peterson, & Ruth Smith. Special guest: Heidi Shaffer. Absent: Mike Crawford, Brad Gerlach, & Jan Loveland
1. Community Input: None
- Minutes from 01-19/2016 meeting and the Special meeting held Feb. 1, 2016 concerning the bids for the tennis court project: reviewed and approved as presented. They will be published online.
- Information from monthly Helena Twp. Mtg. The HT Board approved the bids recommended by the P&R Committee for the tennis court project. The HT Board did agree to have Mike Crawford paint pickleball lines on the gym floor. The board talked about a leak in the Community Center which is being repaired.
- Recreational Passport Grant from DNR and bid packages: The HT Board did approve the two lowest bids for the tennis court resurfacing and the ADA sidewalk. Steve will continue to work with Dave Peterson and the engineer as appropriate to move this project forward.
- Juniper Garden Club request. On hold until pictures are provided.
- Reminder – DNR Grant Workshop to be held Feb. 17th at the GTR. All are eligible to attend.
- . . . Coy Mountain forest management. This item is being moved to the future agenda items list to be considered in April.
7.5 We did not discuss a possible change of meeting day / time as Brad was not present. Ruth will contact Brad to see if there is a day or night where he might be able to attend a P&R meeting.
- The HT Board has approved painting of pickleball lines on the gym floor.
- Bathroom doors in community center and ADA issues-moved to the Future agenda list (April).
- Revision of our five-year-plan. Forward to the March agenda.
- Discuss & decide what Twp. roads would be the best for bicycle routes. Look at the entire county for continuity. (See Master Plan). This was discussed a little. Steve is going to reach out to some bicycling groups and persons to ask for input on this issue. The road commission could also be consulted. It would be good to work with the HT roads committee also. This will be brought back to the Committee when adequate information is obtained.
- Request for memorials. This is being moved to the future agenda items (June).
13. Jim checked the HT revised Master Plan and the items the P&R Committee had suggested were incorporated.
Heidi Shaffer, Antrim County Soil Erosion Officer, attended the P&R Meeting. She has assessed the Ball Diamond Park and feels there are erosion concerns. Heidi Shaffer will work to develop a restoration plan and attempt to get estimates on possible costs. She will plan to attend the March P&R Meeting to share her findings.
The need to replace the bent posts holding the nets at Tennis Court Park was discussed. Steve will discuss the potential cost for this project with the company that received the resurfacing bid after the contract is in place.
The Committee discussed and voted to leave the painting of pickleball lines on only one of the Tennis Ct. Pk courts. This is part of the approved bid. There was also discussion of painting pickleball lines on the basketball court at Tennis Court Park.
Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 02/16/2016 continued – Approved 3-15-2016
- Report on our 5-year-plan progress. This is something that we need to talk over as a committee. It will be on the March agenda. The discussion will include how we are going to prioritize needed improvements in the parks based on the current 5-year plan. We also need to consider what might need to be included in the next 5-year plan. (April)
- Coy Mountain forest management. (April)
- We were asked by the HT Board to do the following:
A. Send any questions we have about forest management at Coy Mtn. to Joyce for forwarding to Mike Meriwether.
- Invite Mike Meriwether to a P&R meeting.
- P&R to develop a general Forest Management Plan for Coy Mtn. (Could have an ecologist evaluate Coy Mtn.).
D. After our Forest Management Plan for Coy MT is completed, formulate recommendations to be sent to the HT Board.
- Look into new sign for Coy Mountain. (April)
- Bathroom doors in community center and ADA issues-(April).
- Discuss 80 acres that township owns near McPherson Rd. to decide what recreational uses it might provide (April)
- Discuss and decide what twp. Roads would be best for a bicycle route. Look at the entire county for continuity. (See master plan) (May).
- Discuss Requests for Memorials in the Parks. (June)
- Updating of P & R website (Sept)
- Park & Rec. Budget. This was removed from the Master plan so we can remove this from the future agenda items list. Costs of possible improvements in parks will be looked at when each parks plan in reviewed.
- We will also not need Discuss the need for rules and a process including a Memorandum of Understanding, for the Ball Park and other parks similar to the one used for Depot Park. Dave Peterson has completed this task for HT.
- Handicap parking in HT (discussion) to be discussed when each Park is evaluated.
Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 02/16/2016 continued – Approved 3-15-2016
Report on assignments/research/activities since last meeting (Brad, Dave, Jan, Jim, Ken, Mike, Ruth, Steve).
- Contact Heidi Schaffer. Find out how Helena Township can be included in grant funds received to help combat invasive species.
- Dave:
- Continue work on getting quotes on prices for signage at road endings and parks. When ready send quotes to Ruth to be presented to the HT Board for approval of funding.
- Ken:
- To work with Heidi Shaffer concerning erosion problems at Ball Diamond Park.Ruth:
- Complete February meeting minutes.
- Send approved January meeting & Special meeting minutes to Joyce Looman to be published online.
- Work with Steve and Joyce Looman to update the Pk & Rec online information
- Look into potential for using the basketball court at Tennis Ct. Pk. for pickleball.
- Contact Brad Gerlach to see if there is a day/time that works for him to attend Pk&Rec. meetings Steve:
- Continue as point man for working with the project engineer and the DNR to resurface tennis courts and do walkway in Tennis Court Park.
- Work with Ruth and Joyce Looman to update the Pk & Rec online information
Start gathering information concerning possible bicycle routes in HT / Antrim Co.
- Work with company awarded the court resurfacing to obtain estimates on replacing the bent posts.
- To gather information concerning potential biking routes in HT.
- Prepare agenda for March meeting. Jan, Jim, & Mike:
No current assignments
The next monthly meeting is scheduled for:
Tuesday, March, 15th, 2016 3pm at Helena Township Offices
respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith