Meeting date: February 17, 2015 approved 3-17-2015
In attendance: Jim Gurr, Steve Dell, Ken Masck, Dave Peterson, & Ruth Smith.
Absent: Mike Crawford & Jan Loveland.
- Community Input: None.
- Minutes from 1/20/2015 meeting -approved as presented and will be published on the HT website.
3. Information from the November Helena Twp. Mtg.: Pk & Rec. issues covered during the Feb. 12th HT Board meeting are found in a write-up following these meeting minutes.OLD BUSINESS:
4. Recreational Passport Grant from DNR. There is a booklet that explains the correct process to follow to obtain the grant monies. Steve is reviewing this information and will be talking with Rick Teague to decide how to best proceed. Steve has volunteered to take a lead role in seeing that the process is followed and the grant received. -
Offer from Brad Gerlock to help with possible Coy Mtn. redesign. Ken reports that he recently talked with Brad who is still volunteering to help with the re-mapping of trails. We still need a report on any deed restrictions that might affect the project. Also needed is a review of the Coy Mt. DNR Trust Fund land acquisition grant. We need to be sure there are no restrictions tied to the receipt of this previous grant which might influence current plans.
6. Discussion of possible improvements in the design, content & verbiage on Twn. signs. Dave presented a suggested layout and verbiage for Lake Access and individual park signs. Pk & Rec members will look over the information and bring back any further ideas for the March meeting.
- Follow-up to see that the map we use for Pk & Rec. purposes is correct. Dave reports that he contacted Dan Roketenetz after there were maps produced that had to do with the water trail being proposed. He explained that HT Pk and Rec had nothing to do with these maps and our maps stayed as presented in the HT Five Year Plan. No further action needed.
8 . Discuss memo to HT Board concerning placing signs at all parks to clarify ownership and proper use of the parks. This will be moved to the April meeting agenda as action on the signs will hopefully be ready to present to the HT Board at that time.
- Unresolved conversions and their impact on eligibility for DNR grants. If a the decision is made to use one of our parks, even in part, for not recreational purposes it may limit or deny our availability for DNR grant money. This information will be presented to the HT Board in March.
- Contact Infor phone #s on Pk & Rec web site with names. Adding phone #s to the web site was ok with all members present today. Ruth will check with Jan and Mike to find if this is alright with them.
11. Form sub-Committee to work toward finalizing the HT for Project forms +. Ruth and Steve will try to finish up this project and present updated forms for review, revision, and adoption within the next few months.
- Discussion of Park goals / objectives. This process was begun with Tennis Court and Coy Mountain Parks being discussed.
Other Agenda Items: Ken suggested that Brad Gerlock might be interested in serving on the Pk & Rec. Committee. Ken will talk with Brad and if he is interested the suggestion will be presented to Rick Teague who appoints Committee members.
Action Items needed / Individual Assignments to be completed:
- Plans to contact Heidi Shaffer in the Spring to arrange a meeting with our Pks & Rec. Committee . We will look over HT properties and discuss water access.
- Will work on getting some quotes on prices for possible signage for road ending and parks.
- Work with Ruth & Steve on Memorandum of Understanding concerning establishing a fund with the Alden Volunteer organization for maintenance of and equipment for the two tennis courts.
- Jan:
- Ruth will ask Jan if she is interested and able to pursue some suggestions on toddler play equipment that might be used in applying for a GT band grant.
Action Items needed / Individual Assignments to be completed continued:
- After the Coy Mt. survey is completed – work with Brad Gerlock to help assess issues of trail maintenance and possible trail development at Coy Mountain.
- To ask Brad Gerlock if he would be interested in serving on the Pk & Rec. Committee.
- Will check with Heidi Shaffer to see what she is proposing concerning a DNR grant to fight invasive species. She had mentioned a potential five county grant when talking with Ken earlier.
- Will look into possible types of signage for Coy Mountain.
1. Plans to get the abstracts for the HT Coy Mt. and Ball Park properties. They are ready for him.
1.The approved January minutes are to be sent to Joyce Looman for publishing online.
- The February minutes are to be prepared for review by the Committee.
- Work with Dave & Steve on a MOU for establishing a maintenance & equipment fund through the Alden Volunteers.
- To send a memo to HT Board asking that they have Mike Crawford determine if the cement and re-rod around the Safe Harbor are as safe as possible. At this time potentially harmful re-rod is sticking out. This will be done for the April HT Board Meeting.
- Work with Steve and Joyce Looman to update the Parks and Recreation pages of the Helena Township web site.
- Check with Cathy Rice – $ amount ¼% or ½ % millage would potentially secure for HT Parks.
- Ruth will ask Jan if she is interested and able to pursue some suggestions on toddler play equipment that might be used in applying for a GT band grant.
- To contact Pro Image to research using some type of informational chip on our HT park signs.
- Will work with Steve during the next few months to finalize the project evaluation paperwork.
- Action Items needed / Individual Assignments to be completed continued:
1. to get the contact information for the person who helped him with the ADA related information for the Passport grant to Dave.
2. Work with Ruth & Dave on a MOU for establishing a maintenance & equipment fund for the two tennis courts. This would be presented to the Alden Volunteers for consideration.
Steve continued:
- Will work on the project to resurface the tennis courts and complete a sidewalk.
- Will work with Ruth during the next few months to finalize the project evaluation paperwork.
These items will continue to be carried forward until they are discussed by the Committee
1. March. Discuss responsibilities of Parks and Recreation Committee as outlined in the HT Master plan.
2. April Discuss possible action steps for meeting goals of 5 Yr. Plan for each Park during the P&R Meeting.
- April Deeds for Helena Twp. Park lands are to be reviewed for any use restrictions.
-Discuss possible relocation of the Coy Mountain parking lot
4. May discuss possible requests park benches/work at Safe Harbor & Archie Valleau beach. - May- Discuss ADA acceptable doors for the Comm. Center bathrooms.
- June – Discuss handicap parking in Helena Township.
7. June – Talk about a possible future request for a low % millage to help fund our Parks. Stand alone or with a HT operational millage request.
8. August Review possible fee scale for the Depot Park
The next monthly meeting is scheduled for:
Tuesday, March 17th, 2015 – 3 PM at the Helena Township Offices.
Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith
Notes from HT Board Meeting – 2-12-2015
Information on the receipt of the DNR Recreational Passport grant and some of the process that is now needed to work toward completion of the court resurfacing and building of a sidewalk was presented. The board understands that at this time the Parks and Recreation Committee has not been able to secure any matching funds. They continue to support the grant process.
The HT Board members were given information on DNR grants available for invasive species eradication and also for aquatic habitat improvement. I pointed out the minimum grant request would be for $25,000. Rick Teague asked that the Pk and Rec. Committee look into two things:
- Can the request be for an ongoing period of time (2/3 yr.) so that we might be able to ask for the $25,000?
- Look into the possibility of going in with another unit to request a grant. IE Antrim Co. or Antrim Co. Pk. & Rec. or Grass River or .
The HT Board voted to approve improvements at the Community Center:
- They will be adding lighted exit signs so that every exit door has one.
- There will be new exhaust fans installed for both bathrooms.
- In the future they will be replacing all windows in the CC. Bids have not yet been received for this.
Rick Teague said to be sure to let the Pks and Rec. Committee members know that the HT Board thanks them for their efforts past and continuing.
Ruth Smith 02-13-15