Parks and Recreation Minutes – July 21, 2015

Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 07/21/2015   -approved 8-18-2015

In attendance: Steve Dell, Jim Gurr, Ken Masck, Dave Peterson & Ruth Smith. Absent: Mike Crawford &. Brad Gerlach & Jan Loveland

    1. Community Input:
      Darlene Biel stated that about fifteen years ago the Pk. & Rec. committee had approved two decorative sculptors to be added to the gardens at Depot Park. We explained that we now have a process in place to help the Pk. & Rec. Committee review this type of request before making a recommendation to the HT Board. Darlene was given a project application form.
      Darlene is also hoping that it can be worked out to inform groups using the Depot Park of the location of the irrigation lines. Pk. & Rec. does not have any diagrams of the irrigation system. Darlene is going to check with Jack Findlay.
    2. Nancy Brimhall, representing the Sunset Estates Home Owners Association, asked what was being done concerning the Ball Park and some type of process to evaluate requests for projects / activities to be scheduled there. She believed that she had talked with Pk. & Rec. previously concerning this. It was decided that she had probably communicated with the planning commission. We were able to let Nancy know that we do have an item in our future agenda items for October to talk over the possible need for a Memorandum of Understanding for projects / activities in our parks. Dave suggested that the association could take this concern to a HT Board meeting if they want more immediate discussion.


  • Minutes from 06/16/2015 meeting:  reviewed and approved as presented. They will be published online.

  • Information from monthly Helena Twp. Mtg.: Dave reported to the HT Board that the parking area at Coy Mt Park had just been finished. There was some discussion at this Pk & Rec. meeting of how to best smooth out the ruts is this parking area. 4. Recreational Passport Grant from DNR:   Actions taken to date.           6. Parks and Recreation Budget:    Steve has requested estimates on costs for contract work on preparing a site plan for the Ball Park.7. Annual Website review:  This will be added to the future agenda items. There will be a Sept. date added. Steve and Ruth are going to work to have the current site updated in September with at least annual review going forward.

      INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENTS TO BE COMPLETED Brad:  Dave:Will research any grant restrictions tied to the DNR Safe Harbor grant that might influence a harbor light Jim: Ken:  Get abstracts for Coy Mtn. and Ball Park properties, which are ready for him.Ruth: Send approved June meeting minutes to Joyce Looman to be published online.Contact Guy Molby, HT zoning administrator, to see if a permit is needed to construct the proposed harbor light. Will contact Heidi Shaffer, Soil erosion, to see if a permit (or anything else) is needed to construct the proposed harbor light.Will contact the DNR to see if a permit (or anything else) is needed to construct the proposed harbor light.
    Will notify Jack Findley of the Informational meeting on the harbor light and ask if AV & DABA could be on hand to answer questions. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: 2. Review the map of parks and public accesses and discuss possible improvements in the design, content, and verbiage of HT signs.
    This item is being moved to the future agenda items (SEPT.).
    4. New sign for Coy Mountain.5. Work on prioritizing projects in our parks where funding is needed. (SEPT.)


  1. 6. Discuss the need for a rules and a process including a Memorandum of Understanding, for the Ball Park and other parks similar to the one used for Depot Park.  The committee will consider working on a process and guidelines for requests for events to take place in our parks. This will be placed on the future agenda Items (OCT.).
  2. This item will be put on the future agenda items (SEPT.).
  3. 3. Bathroom doors in community center and ADA issues.
    This item is being moved to the future agenda items (SEPT.).
  4. 1. Helena Twp. assessing park fees in parks where DNR Grants were used. If assessed, fee schedules need to be submitted to the DNR for review and approval. Proposed fee schedule (Dave). (AUG.).
  6. Prepare agenda for August meeting.
  7. Will contact the building inspector to see if a permit (or anything else) is needed to construct the proposed harbor light.
  8. Steve:
    Continue as point man for working with the project engineer and the DNR to resurface tennis courts and do walkway in Tennis Court Park.
  9. Prepare a flyer and distribute concerning the informational meeting on Harbor light – Sept. 15, 3pm at HT Township office.
  10. Work with Steve and Joyce Looman to update the Pk & Rec online information
  11. Complete July meeting minutes
  13. Mike:
  14. Look into types of signage possible for Coy Mtn.
  15. No current assignment
  16. Jan:
    Will contact Mike Crawford and work with him to evaluate the safety of the ‘Southern’ steps at Depot Park.

  17. Will have a notice of a public informational meeting (at Sept. Pk & Rec. meeting) published in paper.
  18. Continue work on getting quotes on prices for signage at road endings and parks. When ready send quotes to Ruth to be presented to the HT Board for approval of funding.
  19. Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 07/21/2015 continued   – approved 8-18-2015
  21. Let Parks & Rec. Committee know the process and proper time to let Heidi Schaffer know that we are interested in funds to help combat invasive species.
  22. Report on assignments/research/activities since last meeting (Brad, Dave, Jan, Jim, Ken, Mike, Ruth, Steve).

  24. 9.  Formulate a policy for the township to follow when responding to requests from residents to place memorials in our township parks. This item will be moved to the August agenda.
  25. 8. Application to establish a harbor light marker at Alden Safe Harbor:  Alden Volunteers (AV) / Down Town Alden Business Association (DABA) have provided enough information so that we began the formal evaluation process for this project. The Pk. & Rec. Committee feels that we need to contact various licensing agencies and the DNR to be sure we understand what potential permits / restrictions, if any, there may be. At this time the project evaluation is pending receipt of this information.
  28. 5. Grant request to GT Band for toddler play equipment:  Jan provided information on potential playground equipment and Steve prepared and submitted the grant request for funding for toddler play equipment at Tennis Court Park.
  29. The proposed bid package has been approved by the DNR. Steve will check with the project engineer to see where we are with the bid process at this time.


The next monthly meeting is scheduled for:
Tuesday, August18th, 2015 – 3pm at Helena Township Offices
respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith