Parks and Recreation Minutes – June 16, 2015


Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 06/16/2015   – approved 7-21-2015

In attendance: Steve Dell, Brad Gerlach, Jan Loveland, Ken Masck, Dave Peterson & Ruth Smith. Absent: Mike Crawford & Jim Gurr.

  1. Community Input:  – none
  2. Minutes from 05/19/2015 meeting: reviewed and approved as presented. They will be published online.
  3. Information from monthly Helena Twp. Mtg.:  The HT Board approved Pk & Rec. pursuing a tribal grant for toddler playground equipment at the Tennis Courts Park. They also approved a revised proposal to support the DNR tennis court resurfacing which increased the township participation by $25. Approval was given to purchase two dogging bag stations for the Depot and Ball Parks.



  1. Recreational Passport Grant from DNR:   Actions taken to date.

Dave and Steve met with the Tennis court park engineer and the proposed bid information has been sent to the DNR for final approval. Steve has uploaded the revised board approved resolution supporting the tennis court resurface grant onto the DNR site.  

  1. Review the map of parks and public accesses and discuss possible improvements in the design, content, and verbiage of HT signs.
    This item is being moved to the future agenda items with a proposed September date for discussion.
  2. Progress on gathering “toddler” play equipment info for possible grant request to GT Band:

Jan put together a suggested list of toddler equipment for Steve to use in the Tribal grant proposal. Now that the HT board has supported Pk. & Rec. pursuing the tribal grant Steve will complete and submit the grant by the set deadline.

  1. Bathroom doors in community center and ADA issues.
    This item is being moved to the future agenda items with a proposed September date for discussion.



  1. Application to establish a lighthouse marker at Alden Safe Harbor.

No one was present to discuss this project. Steve will send a letter to the Alden Volunteer group outlining what is needed to continue with this request and also giving a date by which to provide needed information.

  1. 9. Formulate a policy for the township to follow when responding to requests from residents to place memorials in our township parks.
    After further general discussion this item is being moved to the July agenda.
  2. Review the goals and action steps we included in our 5-year plan for Depot Park.
    We want to strive for ADA compliant access to all features in this park. We would like to have someone from Disability Network or a similar group help us to evaluate how to best provide access.

The electrical needs of the Park should be evaluated to assure that adequate electricity is available to the groups using the park.

The possibility of relocating the volley ball courts to a different park at some point was discussed.

The possible need for concrete aprons for easier access was noted.

There are ten picnic tables at the park. The suggestion is that five be retired with new tables replacing them.


  1. Discuss Parks and Recreation budget for 2016.
    We began a discussion of the parks keeping in mind our 5-year plan. Needs were sited but no priority list has yet been decided.


Alden Safe Harbor – Add two benches on the dock area

                                      Provide a sign to point out the available bathrooms, Alden attractions, possible walks……..

Archie Valleau Landing – Possible kayak launch? Access to water?  This site needs further discussion.


Ball Diamond Park     Want to pursue talking with someone who specializes in planning park space to help us think what all might be
appropriate and possible at this park. Steve will contact Christie Bayus for suggestions on how to proceed.


Community Building ADA approved doors for the bathrooms
We need further discussion concerning this site.


Coy Mountain             Parking lot on HT property
New sign
New pathway with better accessibility for those who are physically challenged.

                                      Redesign the existing pathway for better access and sustainability.


Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 06/16/2015 continued – approved 7-21-2015


  1. Discuss Parks and Recreation budget for 2016 continued.
    We began a discussion of the parks keeping in mind our 5-year plan. Needs were cited but no priority list has yet been decided.


Depot Park – Five picnic tables
Evaluate the park to assure all areas are accessible

                         Evaluate the need for more electrical outlets +

                        Evaluate the possibly relocating the volley ball courts to another park

                        Replace five picnic tables with new ones

                        Have an expert help us evaluate how to make the Park accessible to all


Tennis Court Park –      Complete resurfacing project, new net posts, accessible sidewalk, and a bench.

    • Pursue adding toddler play equipment


  • Add to the pavilion
  • Provide four new picnic tables
  • Upgrade the basketball court: lines, new nets
  • Get rid of the poison ivy

    This item will be put on the future agenda items with a recommended review date of September.13. Discuss possibility of requesting a low percentage milllage to help fund our Parks.
    We have had communication with Cathy Rice concerning this. The board would probably not support a parks only millage request at this time. After further discussion our plan is to work toward having more money from the general fund designated for park improvements. The HT board has been supportive of our past requests and we anticipate this will continue.
    The committee will consider working on a process and guidelines for requests for events to take place in our parks. This will be placed on the future agenda Items with a recommended review date of October.  Report on assignments/research/activities since last meeting (Brad, Dave, Jan, Jim, Ken, Mike, Ruth, Steve). Let Parks & Rec. Committee know the process and proper time to let Heidi Schaffer know that we are interested in funds to help combat invasive species. Continue work on getting quotes on prices for signage at road endings and parks. When ready send quotes to Ruth to be presented to the HT Board for approval of funding.Jan:
    Will contact Mike Crawford and work with him to evaluate the safety of the Southernmost steps at Depot Park.

     Look into types of signage possible for Coy Mtn.Mike:   Ruth: Send approved May meeting minutes to Joyce Looman to be published online.Work with Carol Dell to provide information for the Tribal grant.  How the equipment helps support toddler growth.Steve:
    Continue as point man for working with the project engineer and the DNR to resurface tennis courts and do walkway in Tennis Court Park.To send a letter to Alden Volunteers concerning needed information on lighthouse application with a suggested time frame.Prepare agenda for July meeting. 1. Helena Twp. assessing park fees in parks where DNR Grants were used. If assessed, fee schedules need to be submitted to the DNR for review and approval. Proposed fee schedule (Dave). (AUG.).3. Bathroom doors in community center and ADA issues.
    This item is being moved to the future agenda items (SEPT.).
    This item will be put on the future agenda items (SEPT.).The committee will consider working on a process and guidelines for requests for events to take place in our parks. This will be placed on the future agenda Items (OCT.).


  • 5. Discuss the need for a MOU rules and format for the Ball Park similar to the one used for Depot Park.
  • 4. New sign for Coy Mountain.
  • 2. Review the map of parks and public accesses and discuss possible improvements in the design, content, and verbiage of HT signs.
    This item is being moved to the future agenda items (SEPT.).
  • Will contact Christie Bayus of DNR to get ideas of persons to advise us on park development.
  • Will prepare a grant application requesting a tribal grant for toddler equipment. Need to be done by the end of June.
  • Work with Steve and Joyce Looman to update the Pk & Rec online information
  • Complete June meeting minutes
  • Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 06/16/2015 continued   – approved 7-21-2015
  • Get abstracts for Coy Mtn. and Ball Park properties, which are ready for him.
  • To talk with Bob Clore concerning the possible need for more electrical outlets + at Depot Park.
  • Ken:
  • Jim:
  • Dave:
  • Brad:
  • 15. Handicap parking in Helena Township.
    This will be included as a part of the discussion of needed improvements in each park.
  • 14. Discuss the need for a MOU rules and format for the Ball Park similar to the one used for Depot Park.
  • 12. New sign for Coy Mountain.


The next monthly meeting is scheduled for:
Tuesday, July 21st, 2015 – 3pm at Helena Township Offices
Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith