Parks and Recreation Minutes – June 20, 2012

Parks and Recreation Meeting – June 20, 2012                              approved 7-18-’12

3-5 PM at the Alden Community Center

In attendance:

Committee members: Harvey Bartel, Steve Dell, Jan Loveland, Carolyn Nowfel, Dave Peterson & Ruth Smith

Absent: Mike Crawford & Casey McDowell


Community Input:

There was no community input.


The minutes from 05-16-12 were reviewed by the Committee and approved.


The memos sent to the Helena Township Board (HTB) were discussed.
Concerning liability insurance Dave clarified information that he had gotten from a contact with the insurance carrier. For volunteers the insurance covers up to $10,000 per occurrence with a yearly maximum of $50,000. Appointed Committee members are covered under another section of the policy ($200,000). Also see actions items – Steve.


The memo concerning wood chips was discussed at the last HTB meeting. Penny Wagner agreed to contact the Foresters Office to see if they are dumping the chips. See action items – Ruth


The memo concerning the procedure of having Memorandum of Understanding sent to P & R to be screened for consistency with the “master plan” and a recommendation to HTB before their next meeting was discussed at the last Township meeting. There seemed to be HTB agreement with this procedure.


Harvey and Jan were welcomed to the P & R Committee as working members as the Helena Township Board approved them as members at their June 14th meeting.


The parking lot at Coy’s Mountain was discussed with further discussion to follow after the survey of the Coy’s Mountain property is completed.


Action Items from the June 20th meeting.


Carolyn will continue typing the new Five Year Plan as items come to her from P & R Committee members.
Will attempt to contact Jim Amstat to see what information he has about agreements or requests, verbal or non verbal, made when land was donated for the Ball Park.
Review Recreational Facilities in preparation for discussion at July Meeting.




Action Items from the June 20th meeting continued


Write up needed budget related information for the Five Year Plan

Will write up the Recreation Inventory section / Dock & Boat Launch for 5 Yr. Plan.
Review Recreational Facilities in preparation for discussion at July Meeting.


Review Recreational Facilities in preparation for discussion at July Meeting.

Is researching toddler play ground equipment and will report back at the July meeting.
Review Recreational Facilities in preparation for discussion at July Meeting.



Is to contact Penny Wagner to see what she found out when she contacted the Forester’s Office about the wood chips.
Complete minutes & ask for input / corrections / clarifications from the Committee.

Is to send meeting minutes to Bonnie Robbins to have her input them on the P & R site of the Helena Township web page. Minutes are also to be sent to Other Comm. Volunteer Groups.


Work with Steve on updating the Recreational inventory of the Tennis Pk for 5 Yr. Plan

Review Recreational Facilities in preparation for discussion at July Meeting.



Steve will prepare a memo for the HTB suggesting that the P & R Committee implement the action plan that the insurance company suggested: 1. Make a roster of persons who might be working on Helena Twn. land. 2. Have these persons sign a hold harmless form.


Steve will send a memo to the HTB stating our concerns about safely at the basketball courts at Tennis Court Park. The area surrounding the court needs grading (or other corrective action) to eliminate a few inches drop at the courts edge that could cause injury.
Work with Ruth on updating the Recreational inventory of the Tennis Pk for 5 Yr. Plan
Review Recreational Facilities in preparation for discussion at July Meeting.


Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith
