Parks and Recreation Meeting – July 18, 2012 approved 8-14-’12
3-5 PM at the Alden Community Center
In attendance:
Committee members: Harvey Bartel, Steve Dell, Jan Loveland, Dave Peterson & Ruth Smith
Absent: Mike Crawford, Casey McDowell, & Carolyn Nowfel
Community Input:
There was no community input.
The minutes from 06-20-12 were reviewed by the Committee and approved.
Other agenda items:
Harvey B. brought up the fact that some of the nails are coming up at the dock.
Dave P. stated that this would be taken care of before the upcoming weekend.
Old Business:
Concerning the Memo to the Township Board about the basketball court liability Dave P. reported that Rick Teague, trustee, would be working on taking care of this.
Concerning the memo to the Township Board about P& R preparing a list of volunteers who might be working on Township land and procuring hold harmless forms the Board decided that they would take on responsibility for this task. The plan they mentioned was that the supervisor would send a letter to the groups asking for a listing of volunteers who might work on township projects. We are unclear as to plan for obtaining hold harmless forms or having a roster of volunteers on file by entering them into the Township meeting minutes.
Dave Peterson reported that Penny Wagner stated at the Township meeting that she had been in touch with the Foresters Office and they denied having the wood chips dumped at Coy Mountain Reserve.
Jan L. gave a report on information she has gathered so far on toddler play ground equipment and plans to give a more complete report at the August meeting. The ideas of a side by side slide and a special needs swing were mentioned.
Carolyn N., who was unable to attend, sent a report concerning the Ball Park property. She talked with Jim Amstadt who was on the P& R Comm. several years ago. Pertinent information that Jim gave is that the ‘RR property’ given to the Township by the Chappell family was given with the understanding that it was to be used for recreational purposes only. Concerning the property on the south end of the Park it is believed that this is platted as a roadway to join up with Fowler lane. Hopefully a survey of this property will note if this is a roadway.
Five Year Plan:
The committee agreed to use a grid format to present the Recreational Facilities portion of the Five Year Plan. (Did not include a page of the grid – question remains on original)
Action Items from the July 18th P & R Meeting.
1.Carolyn will continue typing the new Five Year Plan as items come to her from P & R Committee members.
to research riparian bottom land rights / DNR ‘regulations’
2. Write up needed budget related information for the Five Year Plan - Write up the Recreation Inventory section for the Dock & Boat Launch and Valleau Landing sites for 5 Yr. Plan. To include the fact that this is a Safe Harbor. (Email it to Ruth – This was not specified at the meeting).
No specific assignment
1. continues to research toddler play ground equipment and will report back at the August meeting.
2.Will write up the Recreational inventory for the 5 Yr. Plan concerning the Depot Park and email it to Ruth
- Complete minutes & ask for additions / corrections / clarifications from the Committee. Send approved June minutes to Bonnie Robbins for input on web site & to contact persons for other community volunteer groups.
- Will work with Steve on completing the grid format of the Recreational inventories for the 5 Yr. Plan using information sent by other Committee members. We have Harvey’s information / Ball Park.
- Steve will research DNR grants were awarded in 2012.
- Will prepare information on Lake Access sites for the Recreational Inventory for the 5 Yr. Plan.
- Will work with Ruth on completing the grid format of the Recreational inventories for the 5 Yr. Plan using information sent by other Committee members. We have Harvey’s information / Ball Park.
Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith