Parks and Recreation Minutes – August 14, 2012

Parks and Recreation Meeting – Aug 14, 2012                            approved 09-18-12

3-5 PM at the Alden Community Center

In attendance:

Committee members: Harvey Bartel, Steve Dell, Carolyn Nowfel, Dave Peterson & Ruth Smith. Absent: Mike Crawford, Jan Loveland, & Casey McDowell


Community Input: There was no community input.


The minutes from 07-18-12 were reviewed by the Committee and approved.
Other agenda items:

Carolyn is saving articles from the news that relate to possible grant sources. She gave us a heads up to keep alert to this type of information. She will maintain a resource ‘book’.

Sited articles mentioned NWMCOG, Dept. of Agriculture & Community Foundation Board funds.


Old Business:

Jan is looking into toddler playground equipment and sent information to committee members. She plans to report personally at the next meeting.
Dave visited the dock and did not see a problem with raised nails. There have been no more reports concerning this problem.


The area around the basketball court has not yet been filled. Dave spoke with Rick Teague, trustee. The work will be done by Tri County and the Township job is on a waiting list. The plan is to put fill around the pavilion and some areas near the bathroom as well as around the basketball court.


The Township has sent an excellent letter to Township Organizations and Volunteers asking that they help the Township meet the requirements of the insurance carrier. The request is for a list of volunteers and hold harmless agreements when a project involving volunteers is brought before the board and approved.


Concerning the Five Year Plan:


Has obtained the budgetary materials needed for the plan. They will be scanned and emailed to Carolyn.

Dave is still working on the recreational inventory for the Dock & Boat Launch and Valleau Landing.
Dave still plans to research riparian bottom land rights / DNR regulations. This is not a high priority but the committee would like to have the information.




P & R Meeting – Aug 14, 2012 – Concerning the Five Year Plan continued:


Harvey sent information on the Ball Diamond Park to Ruth for the recreational inventory grid.
Jan sent some information on the Depot property to Ruth for the recreational inventory grid.



Is still working with Steve on completing the recreational Inventory grid


Steve found grant information for 2011 Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Projects. The 2011 Development Projects were funded in 2012. Ruth will keep this grant list with her resources.


It was decided that the Road Ending Lake Access Sites will be listed separately from recreational properties since the township does not own these sites. The township has jurisdiction over these properties but not ownership. Steve will complete this listing.

New Business:

Jan will not be available to meeting on Wednesdays after college classes begin.
The Committee agreed to meet on the third Tuesday of each month from 3-5 PM.


Carolyn will send a memo to the Township concerning the Township taking action to rid the Alden safe harbor of boats that are docked there for extended periods of time.
Action Items from the Aug 14, 2012 P & R Meeting:

1.Carolyn will continue typing the new Five Year Plan as items come to her from P & R Committee members. At this time budget information is to be sent to Carolyn for inclusion.

  1. Will send a memo to the Township Board concerning taking some action to have boats removed if they are being inappropriately docked for extended periods of time.


  1. Dave will write up information on the Dock & Boat Launch and the Valleau Landing sites for the recreational inventory grid. He is to include the fact that this is a Safe Harbor. The information is to be emailed to Ruth.
  2. To research riparian bottom land rights / DNR ‘regulations’
  3. Will ask that a map be done that identifies the Parks and Road ending lake access sites.

This will be done after Ruth sends the numbering / lettering system to be used.



Action Items from the Aug 14, 2012 P & R Meeting continued:


1. Will check with some of the former Pk & Rec. members to see what the numbering used on the old grid under Facility Name meant ie: ACD 85 & HE 06

  1. Will work on a resource inventory that lists possible land acquisition goals for the future (page 8 in the Guidelines).

continues to research toddler play ground equipment and will report back at the September meeting.

  1. To complete the information for the recreational inventory grid for the Depot Park and email it to Ruth



  1. Complete minutes & ask for additions / corrections / clarifications from the Committee. Send approved August minutes to Bonnie Robbins for input on web site. To send draft minutes to contact persons from other community volunteer groups.
  2. To work with Steve on completing the grid format of the Recreational inventories for the 5 Yr. Plan using information sent by other Committee members. Will review the Depot Park grid information with Jan.
    3. To scan the budget information and email it to Carolyn.
  3. To work with Steve to assess each property for accessibility for people with disabilities.
  4. Take the map and number the Township Pk & Rec. properties 1- 7. Also label the road ending lake access sites A – N. Email the information to Dave.
  5. Ask Bonnie Rogers to update the P & R meeting day / time on the web site.
  6. To work with Steve to on descriptions of “Park Type” as described in Appendix C.

Possibly modify the Neighborhood Park description to fit our sites.



  1. Will prepare an information sheet on road ending lake access sites to be included separately from the Recreational Inventory for the 5 Yr.Plan.
  2. To work with Ruth on completing the grid format of the Recreational inventories for the 5 Yr. Plan using information sent by other Committee members.
  3. To work with Ruth to assess each property for accessibility for people with disabilities.
  4. To work with Ruth to on descriptions of “Park Type” as described in Appendix C

Possibly modify the Neighborhood Park description to fit our sites.


Not assigned:

Research the road ending lake access sites to determine exact rules of usage +


Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith
